How do I start a new campaign/introductory mission?

By mach7-7, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault


I got IA recently and LOVE IT! I've played a few games in the campaign mission arc (intro, story, side mission, etc) with another person and want to start a new campaign from the beginning with more people for a game night. I don't see an easy way to do that without just starting the first introductory mission over again and potentially playing the same missions. Is there a different introductory mission that I can start from?


Awesome! I'm glad you've enjoying it. I am too. Phenomenal game!

Right now there is only one intro mission, but every mission after that one can be different. The next story mission will be determined by whoever wins the Aftermath mission...however, if you have already played one of the story missions, then feel free to just choose the other one with the new group.

Yup, definitely agree with thereisnotry. Aftermath is the intro mission at the moment.

After that, the game takes a somewhat linear path through the story, it's the side missions that will definitely change things up - if only for you, everything of course will be new to the new Rebel players you're bringing in - and picking a different Imperial class can VERY much change the feel for the Imperial player.

Thanks for your help! I really appreciate it! :)