Charateristic, Skills and Talent Advances

By Lord Octavious Ravacyn, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Hi Dark Heresy Fans and Players

I am a new GM, I have been playing for 3 years but I am having trouble understanding the NEW 2nd Edition rules.

I am having trouble understanding how to advance Characters in 2nd edition DH, it talks about one, two and zero aptitudes, please help me understand it.

Eg; tables 2-2, to 2-6

Thankyou kindly

Lord Octavious Ravacyn

Arbitor Noble/Highborn of Mcragge

So by the time you get to those tables you should have (I think) 7 Aptitudes written on your character sheet. Those Aptitudes dictate the cost you pay for all advances.

Table 2-3 lists the Aptitudes for each Characteristic. Having 0/1/2 tells you which row to look at in Table 2-2 for that Characteristic. As you buy Characteristic advances they get more expensive. So the first time you buy one you pay the price in the first column. Second time the price in the second column, and so on.

The skill table advances operate the same way - figure out how many matching Aptitudes you have and look up the cost in that row. As you buy more of a skill the cost goes up. Note that you will start with a bunch of Skills Known and will skip that column for those Skills.

Table 2-6 again lists the costs, but for Talents the Aptitudes for each Talent is listed in the tables in the Talents chapter. Since you only buy a Talent once, there's no climbing cost - instead Talents are divided into 3 tiers (roughly corresponding to how powerful they are). So to buy a Talent you need to know how many Aptitudes you have matching and which tier it's in, then look that up in the table.

Does that clear it up?

so your saying, if there is if i go to add a skill, tallent or upgrade one it depends on what aptitudes I have on the aptitude section depends on the costs of the upgrades??

That question is a little hard to parse but more generally the Aptitudes you have (which will never change*), plus the Advances you've already bought (or acquired in chargen) dictate the cost for Advances you want to take. It's just a matter of finding the right row/column in the cost tables.

*until future supplements change them