I wonder with the release of Imperial Assault whether Descent releases will now take a back seat or even dry up in 2015.
Whilst i generally hope not - there is arguably more than enough available within the box sets, monster and hero packs and the new campaign and co-op print releases for most people.
I havent bought them all yet myself even though this is my number one game (i have core set, labyrinth, trollfens, nerekhall, forgotten souls, and 2 lieutenant packs bolgoreth and the spider to make the end boss for the expansions more exciting). My core set and trollfens sets are painted but there is lot still to work through in this regard.
I do keep looking forward to the new stuff coming so it will be sad if the releases stop - i do plan to get the new campaign book and natures ire when both are available together.
I would love to see a box expansion making a more formal co-op campaign and automated overlord mechanic - but they may consider they already have done this now.
Half the fun of collecting and playing this game is not knowing whats coming next - it will be sad when not much is the answer ...