Decimator and Phantom build

By theDestroyer00, in X-Wing Squad Lists

What is peoples thoughts on this build

Captin OiCunn with Expose, Moff Jerjerrod, Ysanne Isard, Intelligence Agent and Dauntless

Whisper with Veteran Instincts, Navigator, Advanced Sensors and Advanced Cloaking Device

I prefer fire control system over advanced sensors for whisper

just last night i played in a small tournament and there were 3 decimators 2 w/phatoms and 1 w/firespray, they work great i would just recomend fire control systems on the phatom and gunner on the decimators. just my 2 cents.

FCS on Whisper rather than Sensors. And possibly Rebel Captive instead of Navigator. I think AS and Navigator on Whisper is a little 'over-kill' in terms of maneuvering... And this is from someone who loves playing the 'Fettigator'! :P

In terms of the Decimator, I think you need to base crew decisions around what you intend to do with it. If you're flying Oicunn your perhaps looking at being a bit more offensive minded. I'd be looking at Predator rather than Expose as although four attack dice with no penalty is nice it is still taking up an action. Unless you're using the Dauntless title to bump your own ships it's only replacing the action you'd lose for ramming.

Isard is an auto-include though on any dedcimator build... Maybe consider Push the Limit if 'turtling-up' is your bag!

Isard is an auto-include though on any dedcimator build... Maybe consider Push the Limit if 'turtling-up' is your bag!

The Decimator doesn't have any defensive actions to take so can't really turtle-up with PTL.

Isard gives you an evade action, which would then trigger PtL if you haven't used it in the action phase (which you won't have done to avoid taking the stress!).

Isard gives you an evade action, which would then trigger PtL if you haven't used it in the action phase (which you won't have done to avoid taking the stress!).

It doesn't matter if you are able to take an action if you don't have any actions that help you turtle. Kenkirk is the only pilot that can get much defensive use out of a focus token but even then you'd almost always be better off using Engine Upgrade to GTFO than you would trying to turtle.

I agree not using PTL. I like using dauntless during a green maneuver, so it is removed immediately.

But I will find out in my next tourney!

Ok Ive tried this list a few times now only lost once (he had a modified match win but I still had whisper so would have won if 1 more turn). However I am now not sure about the deciamtor. It does take a massive pounding and lasts but nearly always dies. I will still try it a few more times but may swap it out with a BH and doom shuttle. How have others found the deciamtor and what has and hasn't worked for it?

Isard gives you an evade action, which would then trigger PtL if you haven't used it in the action phase (which you won't have done to avoid taking the stress!).

It doesn't matter if you are able to take an action if you don't have any actions that help you turtle. Kenkirk is the only pilot that can get much defensive use out of a focus token but even then you'd almost always be better off using Engine Upgrade to GTFO than you would trying to turtle.

Apologies WWHSD... I have absolutely no idea what I was thinking when I wrote that! The only excuse I can use is it was late... :wacko:

That and the fact I'd been looking into PtL on my Boba build and had a head full of evade tokens!

You could try this


Veteran instincts

Recon specialist

Fire control systems

Advanced cloak

Rear admiral


Engine upgrade


Rebel captive

I've been doing well with this list.

Echo is harder to hit, so opponent tries for decimator

Which gives his first ship a stress.

The decimator and echo are both ps 8 So usually moves near last and shoots before most.

The engine upgrade is great on it because it helps avoid arcs.

Plus you have predator for that mini targetblock and if range 1-2 his ability is like a mini marksmen.

Plus you'll get Ysanne active at some point.

Echo is a lot harder to chase down so she is great to do her dancing around decloaking and shooting.

Fire control systems and recon specialist is great on her.

It's nice to have that extra focus for defense incase your opponent does get some shots off.

If you come across higher ps ships keep echo away, and use the tankyness of the decimator to keep them busy, while echo snipes or takes care of their escorts

But expose without experimental interface is not worth it imo.

Edited by Krynn007