Can someone new play?

By Ken at Sunrise, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Is this a deck/squad building game where knowing all of the pieces well is a big advantage or can a new player play a pick up game at an LGS?

Yes I know that knowing any game is an advantage; but you know what I mean about a pickup game and someone new.


Yes, I think that the game is very entry-friendly. Especially right now, when it's brand new.

Eventually, as with any other competitive skirmish game, the veteran will have a significant advantage at first. But that's what gaming communities (local and online) are for: to welcome new players, show them the ropes, and coach them along on their journey toward pwning us all! :)

At this point everyone is new anyway.

Every unit does have special rules, but very few of them are game-changing to the extent that (say) Malifaux characters are.

You can quite happily make a squad and have a decent go at a skirmish with anything in the box.

If you are a new gamer, you could be turned off by the line of sight mechanics. There is also a large glossary of terms.

Is this a deck/squad building game where knowing all of the pieces well is a big advantage or can a new player play a pick up game at an LGS?

Yes I know that knowing any game is an advantage; but you know what I mean about a pickup game and someone new.


The game is new, so this is the perfect time to jump in. FFG makes games that are simple enough to learn, but complex enough to keep your interest. My group is really enjoying this game thus far!

If my 7 year old daughter can pick it up as easy as she did I don't think anyone else should have trouble. It's her first time playing a game like this and she won't stop asking to play more. Lol.

The game is very new-person friendly, especially for Rebel players as the Imperial player is the one who has to keep track of what's going on during the mission, etc.

Anything that's on the table that you need to worry about is displayed face-up, so even if you didn't know all the figures you could simply ask to see the deployment / Hero card to reference what is out on the table to deal with.