StressSaw Shuttle and the Gang.

By RedDave87, in X-Wing Squad Lists

I've been thinking about what to pair up with Ol' Stressy-Bessy. I think we might have something here.

OGP (21)

+ Accuracy Corrector (3)

+ Gunner (5)

+ Tactician (2)

+Engine Upgrade (4) = 35

Sigma Squadron Pilot (25)

+ Intelligence agent (1)

+ Enhanced Scopes (1)

+ Stygium Particle Accelerator (2) = 29

3x Academy Pilots = 36


Use the APs to block and trap helpless victims for the Distressing Albino Void Buffalo. Sigma mops up whatever is left. 13 attack dice and 23 HP to chew through. The biggest danger to this list is of course Predator, considering only Sigma is safe.

Any thoughts?

Edited by RedDave87

Can you get enough range 2 in arc shots with Stressy Bessy to justify 35pts? That's always my question with beefier space cow builds. Range requirements are rough on a shuttle, even if you have EU to push forward or turn around.

That's fair. Fortunately, you don't neceassarily have to try to gurantee Tactician every turn. Take the shots when and where they come. Plus you have an area denial in front of the cow that nobody wants to get stuck in.

I've been surprised at just how useful Accuracy Corrector has been. You don't lose damage potential when using your action to boost or after a red move. I think I actually like it better than Advance Sensors on the shuttle at least.

I have been playing something similar on a shuttle just with FCS, I also run a decimator with rebel captive, gunner tactian and while you may not get the stress out all the time it's not as hard as you think. If you remember the rule of eleven you can time your pass very well. I do sneaky things like bump my AC on the first move and maybe the second if they only do straight 1s and then a 3 and maybe boost. People think that after the first bump I'm going to keep doing it so they try to push forward. Also if I posit the decimator between the shuttle and my opponent it will be range 2.

I know that this is a different list to what your looking at but between the 2ships I have put 3/4 stress tokens on ships like coran horn in one round and I've done that quite a few times. It totaly shuts ships down to hat rely on actions.