I've been thinking about what to pair up with Ol' Stressy-Bessy. I think we might have something here.
OGP (21)
+ Accuracy Corrector (3)
+ Gunner (5)
+ Tactician (2)
+Engine Upgrade (4) = 35
Sigma Squadron Pilot (25)
+ Intelligence agent (1)
+ Enhanced Scopes (1)
+ Stygium Particle Accelerator (2) = 29
3x Academy Pilots = 36
Use the APs to block and trap helpless victims for the Distressing Albino Void Buffalo. Sigma mops up whatever is left. 13 attack dice and 23 HP to chew through. The biggest danger to this list is of course Predator, considering only Sigma is safe.
Any thoughts?
Edited by RedDave87