Welcome to the forum for an amazing, classic game. You can use this space to ask questions, discuss strategy, or proclaim your most recent victory. Just please be respectful and follow the FFG forum rules!
Enjoy Tigris & Euphrates
Welcome to the forum for an amazing, classic game. You can use this space to ask questions, discuss strategy, or proclaim your most recent victory. Just please be respectful and follow the FFG forum rules!
Enjoy Tigris & Euphrates
Very excited for this and can't wait to see what's in store with the Euro Classics line.
Very excited for this and can't wait to see what's in store with the Euro Classics line.
+1, especially on your second point: curious to see what's the next games in the line
+1, especially on your second point: curious to see what's the next games in the line
Seconded! I'm particularly curious to see how many more Knizia games they have planned. He was certainly a dominant force back in the day, to the point that I even struggle to remember other games from that era that aren't out of print.
There are actually two in print at FFG: Blue Moon Legends and Age of War (which is a reincarnation of Risk: Express) (saying in case you weren't aware of them, since you like the author)
Through the Desert as well! I can't quite make my mind up about how much I like some of the Knizia games I have played. They tend to be almost overly well-balanced, to the point where everyone ends up around the same score almost no matter what they do. They can also be a bit dry; almost as if presenting you with a mathematical problem instead of fun.
I really like T&E though, in fact it's the Knizia I think is the best (of the ones I have played). I'm hoping for a re-issue of Ra because I haven't played it but it's supposed to be one of his better. FFG seems to have a fairly solid relationship with the good doctor so I'm thinking there's a good chance they might.
Hi guys! where's the rule?