Have read through Forsaken Bounty, I had a couple of thoughts...
First, I would have liked to have known more about the PCs ship the Sovereign Venture . Apart for the casual notes that it's a cruiser with enough firepower to destroy whole cities and has a crew of 100,000, we don't know much about it. I think that's a big oversight, especially for players who may be unfamiliar with 40K starships.
Second, the Sovereign Venture's got enough firepower to level a city but her void shields appear to be on the blink? Shouldn't the Venture shields be able to deflect most of the debris field (especially if she turns that firepower to blast a path wide enough to pass through herself)? I know the idea is to force the PCs to take a little ship across to the Bounty but it seems a lame way to do it.
... and about the guncutter. It's explicately described as being about to carry up to 30 people in the cargo hold, but we can only bring 3 of the salvage crew (who we hired specially for this job)? Again, a lame way to limit the number of red-shirts along for the ride, especially given the contradiction.
Otherwise, it looks like an interesting short adventure. Some real potential but those couple of oddities just leap out at me. I'd have to find a way around them if I was going to run the adventure myself.