Samantha Grace and extra story cards

By BrooklynMike, in CoC Rules Discussion

Samantha Grace says "Each players needs an additional story card to win to game".

Does this stay in effect if she is destroyed, discarded, placed back in hand?

If not, what happens if both players happen to have 3 story cards at that time?

BrooklynMike said:

Does this stay in effect if she is destroyed, discarded, placed back in hand?

No, if she is not in play her effect does not work. Disregard text on cards in the hand except when its effect states an "in hand" or "from your hand" effect. Same goes for the discard pile, unless it states an "in discard pile" or "from your discard pile" effect.

BrooklynMike said:

If not, what happens if both players happen to have 3 story cards at that time?

Tough question. I'd like to see some other folks thoughts on it but here's mine. I'd say the active player would win the game. Reason being when simultaneous effects occur, the active player resolves his effects first. Thus, I'd take that to mean the game first checks his won story pile to see if he has 3 story cards, if not, it would then check the second player.

If anyone does not think that is the case please direct me to where you are getting your idea from.

I suspect the active player would win, but I could see a pedantic argument made from the FAQ:

When card effects, passive abilities, or forced responses simultaneously affect cards controlled by a player, all cards that are affected resolve in the order determined by the card’s controller, one at a time. The player must fully resolve each effect before the next effect takes place.

It could be argued that because Ms Grace's card effects are triggering and end of game situation, and affect the story cards controlled by a player (both players in this case), the affects are resolved in the order determined by Ms Grace's controller.

I recognize this is a tenuous argument, and perhaps the second part of the FAQ on simultaneous effects would take precedence.

Whenever a card effect affects both players simultaneously, the active player resolves his effects first.

I guess it would depend on whether you think that Samantha leaving play is affecting the players or the cards (story cards).

TheProfessor said:


Whenever a card effect affects both players simultaneously, the active player resolves his effects first.

I guess it would depend on whether you think that Samantha leaving play is affecting the players or the cards (story cards).

That is what I was basing my thoughts on also Professor. I would view it more as affecting the players (as they are the ones winning/losing) and not the cards.

Also, Samantha Grace's ability is clearly affecting the players from the text as opposed to say an ability like...., "One won story card does not count towards the three a player needs to win the game"

Though honestly, I'd be hard pressed to not think that would end up resolving the same way.

Good point - Samantha's card does affect players, not cards, so when she is removed it would affect the players.

I am voting for "active player chooses order of resolution." And, of course if the active player was paying attention, would thus win.

It's clearly affected by the Whenever a card effect affects both players simultaneously, the active player resolves his effects first. rule.