brath howl mini swarm....upgrades?

By eibon, in X-Wing Squad Lists

So I've posted a couple time about this, I'm terrible with decisions haha but I think I've got it now so tell me what u guys think

Rexler brath+predator+hull upgrade

Howlrunner+swarm tactics


Well, you get a couple shots in before Rex hits, which could occasionally be nice for his ability. He'll also get 2 re-rolls if you run him with the miniswarm, which is also good. At some point you've just got to play it to see how it fits you, though.

I've tested it against a xxx list n against a soontir, echo n bounty hunter list n it did well I still gota try it against turrets tho, I think thts my main concern now

I say move the Hull Upgrade down to Howlrunner. Defenders are already tough but making Howlrunner a little tougher can help keep the other TIE Fights threatening a little longer.

My friend runs a Rexlar and 4 TIE list that has different upgrades, the most differentiating of which is the lone wolf on Rexlar. He has been using it to good effect lately. If you would like to take a look, here's some battle reports featuring the Rexlar/TIEs list.

The first two are photo battle reports and the last is a video report.

Unfortunately I don't have lone wolf and I worry tht if I do have to get close or set up with the swarm rexler will lose his rerolls whereas predator he gets attack rerolls guaranteed

Thanks for the links will check them out.

I say move the Hull Upgrade down to Howlrunner. Defenders are already tough but making Howlrunner a little tougher can help keep the other TIE Fights threatening a little longer.

Yh I think thts a gd idea even if Rex goes down the tie can still kick a good amount of damage out if howlrunner is still there