Which Decimator?

By Teh HOBO, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Heading to a tournament on Sat, want to use Vessery 'cause he's great, settled on a decimator(again, the greatness) for support and just wanted to see which decimator worked better in your opinions.

Oiccun+Predator+Reb captive+Isard+Weapons Engineer


Patrol Leader+Reb captive+Isard+Weapons Engineer+Engine

with Vessery+outmaneuver+HLC.

Is the manuverability from the engine worth the extra firepower of predator and the giggles of yelling RAMMING SPEED!?

I tend to gravitate towards oiccun the most. The Ram is useful for maybe 2 points a game if you're lucky. His biggest benefit is being ps4 and having the ept. PS4 just lets him act as a blocker to some extent.

WE with predator would solely be for Vessery, but I'm not sure what else would work. Predator at least ensures that you're rerolling 1 die, even if you use your action to boost Vessery.

Is the manuverability from the engine worth the extra firepower of predator and the giggles of yelling RAMMING SPEED!?

Engine Upgrade doesn't allow you to use Oiccun's ability as you cannot boost if you end up touching another ship or obstacle. I don't usually like Engine Upgrade on Decimators as much like the Buffalo Girls of yesteryear, Decimators like to go 'round the outside' (of the board that is!). I think in your build maybe Oicunn (the first list) is the most useful. Might be worth looking at Commander Ken Kirk if you're going for a 'synergy build'. He's a little 'tankier' and more likely (with Isard) to hang around longer.

Is the manuverability from the engine worth the extra firepower of predator and the giggles of yelling RAMMING SPEED!?

Not on a low PS ship like the PL, imho.

I'm thinking of taking Vessery and Chiraneau to a tournament soon. With VI on Vessery he can remove shields before the admiral crits the target. Might also be useful to move after and shoot before Dash, and equal PS should give Echo a little bit of a headache.

Rear Admiral Chiraneau

- Determination

- Rebel Captive

- Ysanne Isard

- Weapons Engineer

Colonel Vessery

- Veteran Instincts

- Heavy Laser Cannon

If using Oicunn... ALWAYS take Dauntless, you want him having his action.

Also concider Experimental Interface and Expert Handling, for the double bump and 2 damage to a ship, or 1 to two different ships.

Not sure that Expert Handling works as you can't barrel roll if you cant complete it (ie not touching another ship or obstacle)... Did you mean Daredevil as that really can work well. As long as you can shed the stress somehow!

You could also consider Push the Limit with the Engine Upgrade. Ysanne grants a free action at the start of the combat phase, so Oicunn could potentially move at PS4, end up base contact, take the free evade action from Ysanne, and then PTL to boost out of firing arcs. Or skip the boost, stay in base contact, and use the second action to TL or Focus.

I can see boosting during the combat phase being (albeit situationally) useful. Boosting out of arc just before someone is about to pop shots at you would (if it ever worked!) be priceless! :D

Not sure that Expert Handling works as you can't barrel roll if you cant complete it (ie not touching another ship or obstacle)... Did you mean Daredevil as that really can work well. As long as you can shed the stress somehow!

Correct. Expert Handling is a barrel roll action, which cannot overlap. Daredevil is a 1-turn, which can overlap. But, if you don't take EU with it, you're rolling 2 red dice against yourself just to do it.

Big O Deathroll: Big O + dauntless + Daredevil + EU with or without Vader and Gunner or other crew. 3 auto damage to anything that gets in your way and I think there was a build that got up to like 12 theoretical damage potential somewhere.

Ram (1dmg)

Daredevil to ram again (2dmg)

3-4 dice turret attack. (2-6 dmg)

Vader Auto crit (3-8dmg)

If missed and have gunner Vader Auto Crit again (4-10).

Auto kills any phantom you can ram if you have Vader + gunner and they can't get to range 4. That's worth more than something.

And, has anyone ever rammed with him and ended touching multiple ships for multi damage? Seems like a dream but seems possible, just doesn't seem like it will come up very often.