AT-ST painted

By widgren, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault


Very nice indeed.

What's the recipe for the armour? If not secret :)

thanks guys! the armour is primed uniform grey (armypainter), washed all over with nuln oil(GW) and lightly drybrushed with grey primer for airbrush(vallejo). armypainter strong tone wash is used to enhance shadows and do pin-washes. chipping is black paint stippled with a teared sponge at exposed corners. the chips are highligted with a thin line underneath each chip. i used the same light grey as for the dry brushing. thats about it. the chipping is really easy and really effective at giving the weathered look. try it! :)

no secrets:)

Another stunner! you should be proud of that pal and rightly so!

I've been wondering if perhaps I should paint mine in Endor camouflage scheme.

Something like this (but with a more propper camouflage scheme)


Is there any plans for the base?

darthmanson: i will make it out doorsy with a mix of sand, grass and rocks. it works well for tatooine and endor:)

Widgren : Can you give us any insight into the markings you used? I am guessing it is some form of Unit Designator (?)

I am curious because I am looking for a way to distinguish my Storm Troopers into squads for IA. I am also planning to add some type of Designators to my Star Destroyers in Armada.


Widgren : Can you give us any insight into the markings you used? I am guessing it is some form of Unit Designator (?)

I am curious because I am looking for a way to distinguish my Storm Troopers into squads for IA. I am also planning to add some type of Designators to my Star Destroyers in Armada.


Edited by QuestsofLegend

I couldnt find any unit markings so I invented some that look star warsy but arent to in you face. I like the look of them but they are not canon. i will distinguish my storm trooper by adding distinguishing but neutral things to their bases. such as grass/rubble/plants. ill use a uniform base of flock, bushes, sand and gravel with the accents as markings.