Daily Business Show Question

By ossa2, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

I have a question regarding Daily Business Show.

Lets say the runner runs R&D and sees Card A. The corp rezzes DBS before his turn starts, draws Card A and Card B, then puts one on the bottom of his deck.

Is the corp obligated to tell the runner whether he put Card A or Card B on the bottom of his deck?

My initial guess would be no since the card specifically uses the word draw. The cards are essentially parts of your hand at that point, where they are each a random element. The players in my meta haven't been certain on the interaction, so we've been using the honor system and telling the runner which one we put on bottom, but official clarification would be nice.


Lukas actually answered this in Twitter. If the runner has seen any of the cards, they should know which position (first, second, or more if multiple DBS are in play) goes to the bottom of R&D.