How well will TWO ships perform in a tournament setting?

By Plainsman, in X-Wing Squad Lists

I've really taken a liking to Decimators, and am considering its use in a tournament setting! However, most builds Im coming up with have only TWO ships! How well do you think two ships, with one being a Deci, will perform at tournaments?

Thanks for any/all input!

Maybe not great. I don't know. I've recently played about 8 games in a row with the decimator. I started this campaign because I wanted to find out more about it. Previously, I had only played against the decimator a few times, and it was either impossible to kill or I took it out in a couple rounds, so I wanted to try and find out how it ticks, what I needed to do to keep it effective and mitigate it's weaknesses.

So, I'm hardly an expert, but I have some specific experience with it in particular lately.

The decimator needs to move for maximum effectiveness. Blockers will greatly help with that. It also, depending on how you build it, will deal good damage but usually only predictably to a single target, so multiple wingmen will help shore this up.

Finally, it has low agility so it is countered by swarms and multiple attack lists.

Taken together, a mini swarm or at least two Academy ties and a named tie have proven so far to be the best accompaniment to a decimator.

It is likely my play style, but two ps1, tight turning ties and another ship to your taste - I'd recommend dark curse for a more control-minded playstyle or else Backstabber to up your damage against relatively immobile swarms. Winged Gundark is even cheaper and is specifically useful against other decimators.

So, that's my answer. Two or three ties depending on your decimators build

I've seen a fair number of "hammer & anvil" builds locally. I'm still not completely sold on them. Still, I can't argue with the effectiveness of Han & Corran or Chiraneau and Whisper...

Two ships builds have been doing really well in tournaments recently, check out the results of the last couple I've been able to find data for here .

I have seen the Rear Admiral work well as an Arc dodger:

Rear Admiral Chiraneau (46)
Predator (3)
Rebel Captive (3)
Mara Jade (3)
Ysanne Isard (4)
Engine Upgrade (4)

"Echo" (30)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Fire-Control System (2)
Advanced Cloaking Device (4)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

Rush to range 1 with the admiral, then use the stress/engine combo to stay behind your opponents. Use Echo to pick off individual ships that the admiral can't keep in line

I've seen a fair number of "hammer & anvil" builds locally. I'm still not completely sold on them. Still, I can't argue with the effectiveness of Han & Corran or Chiraneau and Whisper...

My favorite is Dash and Et'han. But then I have been fighting a lot of Decimators. (Oh, you also get another ship in there)

It'll work just fine, LOTS of people will be running 2 ship lists, so many matchups will be 2 ships vs 2 ships. On the other side, a well flown swarm will take on many 2 ship lists that aren't built to fight them. People will realize both of these points, it'll just be a guessing game as to which direction will come out on top in each tournament.

The Decimator/Phantom do seem to be gaining ground. One huge hulk that you know exactly where it is, and one ship that you have pretty much no idea where it is. Makes for fun planning.

I did pretty well with a Fat Han + Keyan list at the Winter League tournament at worlds (90+ person tournament). Ended up only losing one game to finish 14th. So a 2 ship list can work pretty well, but it certainly has limitations. The Decimator can go down pretty quickly if your opponent focuses on it and rolls halfway decent, and that's a ton of your points gone. Two ships also decreases your maximum damage output each turn as you only get those 2 attacks.

I think the best lists right now are mostly 2-ship lists.

I've found a VT-49 and a Tie Phantom do really well in the current meta. Chicaneau with Expose turns into a HLC/Outrider combo minus the range one donut. It also has a good built in action economy with Ysanne. Target Lock on the activation phase, when Ysanne triggers at the beginning of combat use Experimental Interface to use Expose. Now you have that evade, a TL and a built in focus with the Admiral's ability. Oh and it fires 5 dice at range 1. Whisper does what Wisper does.

Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Expose + Ysanne Isard + Rebel Captive + Experimental Interface (60)

"Whisper” + Fire-Control System + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device (39)

I know Chewbacca and Lando YT1300 lists were popular within the last year. I remember a tournament I played in June, I think the guy running that list came in first at the store.

A good list is only part of the equation. IMO, Xwing is like, 1/3 List Strength, 1/3 Player Knowledge/Skill and 1/3 Dice Karma.

I have seen the Rear Admiral work well as an Arc dodger:

Rear Admiral Chiraneau (46)

Predator (3)

Rebel Captive (3)

Mara Jade (3)

Ysanne Isard (4)

Engine Upgrade (4)

"Echo" (30)

Veteran Instincts (1)

Fire-Control System (2)

Advanced Cloaking Device (4)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

Rush to range 1 with the admiral, then use the stress/engine combo to stay behind your opponents. Use Echo to pick off individual ships that the admiral can't keep in line

I've been running something similar but with PTL instead of Predator, so that I can arc dodge AFTER everyone else has moved (in the beginning of the Combat Phase, via Ysanne & PTL) and with Recon Spec on Echo instead of Mara, to turn Echo into Whisper - but with Echo's slippery decloaks.

I ran whisper and a decimator in the last tournament I played in and took 4th out of 9 players

Has anyone had success with a Decimator and Firespray? I like Whisper, but she can go down fast sometimes (especially if she's beaten on PS).

I'm currently flying a Decimator/Firespray list. I'm using a Fettigator variation along with either Oicunn for the added damage ability or Kenkirk for the extra 'tankiness'.

Boba Fett + VI + Navigator + EU

Oicunn + Predator + Ysanne Isard + Rebel Captive


Kenkirk + Intimidation + Ysanne Isard + Rebel Captive

PS10 Boba is highly maneauverable and able get into/out of arcs easily and gets to shoot at Phantoms before they re-cloak. Using Oicunn there's some extra damage potential due to ramming (as well as the Predator re-roll) though I have found myself flying 'out of position' chasing targets to ram which is a concern. That's why I'm toying with Kenkirk. He has slightly more longevity, possibly giving Boba more time to pick of the choicest targets. Both lists suffer from a lack of 'punch' (lack of Predator/Gunner re-rolls and only two attacks per turn) but you kind of expect that with a two ship build!

I have seen the Rear Admiral work well as an Arc dodger:

Rear Admiral Chiraneau (46)

Predator (3)

Rebel Captive (3)

Mara Jade (3)

Ysanne Isard (4)

Engine Upgrade (4)

"Echo" (30)

Veteran Instincts (1)

Fire-Control System (2)

Advanced Cloaking Device (4)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

Rush to range 1 with the admiral, then use the stress/engine combo to stay behind your opponents. Use Echo to pick off individual ships that the admiral can't keep in line

I've been wondering how to approach flying the decimator and have been using Kenkirk for the added tankiness as I'm afraid of losing a 60point ship too soon.

When you rush your decimator in like that, do you find that he goes down quicker? I have been trying to avoid getting in too close and boosting to keep to range.

Edited by Logus Vile

I would imagine what you're rushing into range 1 of dictates how quickly you'll lose your Decimator... Certainly wouldn't advise rushing into range 1 of a TIE swarm!

I think the best lists right now are mostly 2-ship lists.

Yes! Most of the recent tournaments have been won by Two-Ship builds. Mostly it's Dash/Corran, Decimator/Phantom and some still roll with Falcon plus X. So no worries, theyate very competitive at the moment!