Rebel Squad Building for Dummies

By Captain213, in X-Wing Squad Lists

I'm a total noob with a fair, though outdated, collecton of Rebel mini's; and I was wondering if anybody on here could suggest a few decent lists for a beginner such as myself. My current collection is composed of 1 A-wing, 3 B-wings, 1 HWK, 3 X-wing's (one from the core set, if that's relevant), 1 YT-1300, and 1 Y-wing.
My friend and I play games at the 100, 125, and occasionally 150 point levels, so the suggestions I'm most likely to be able to use need to be in those point categories.
Also, he ALWAY'S plays Imperial.

My response is going to go one or two ways.

If he has Phantom access your collection is going to hamper you. IF you doesn't you have a lot of relevant choices.

If he has a phantom, you are probably going to be best served by some varierty of a Han Solo with 2 Bwings with Fire Control System. Or maybe a Ywing with Ion Turret and a Bwing with Fire COntrol System.

If he doesn't have Phantoms.

I'd suggest Dutch the Ywing with Ion Turret.

Garvin the Xwing

Blue Squadron Bwing

Blue Squadron Bwing with Fire Control system

Other Relevant builds I can think of 3 Bwings and 1 Roark Hwk 290 with ion cannon. Gives you 10 points left to play with, Ion cannons or Advanced Sensors could be considered I guess. Just don't use them too often as the cap at 1 damage per shot limits you and ion tokens don't stack past one turn.

Wedge Antilles Xwing with or without a basic R2

Biggs Darklighter Xwing

Blue Bwing

Gold Squadron Ywing with ion cannon

Its hard to build anything too current or amazing but you have some really functional pieces that I am fond of.

To add to these lists. Consider things like Roark with Ion cannon (24 points well spent as he moves an ally to shoot first, also handle phantoms well as you cna just pick whoever has arc on it)

Bwings with 3 points of upgrades add a nice 25 point slot to move a list up to 125 or 150.

Biggs Darklighter the Xwing is hilarious for forcing opponents to shoot at him first and slots in at 25 points.

Han Solo backed up by Bwings and Ywings can be a pain to chase down. (I know that is kind of implied earlier but at 150 points its hard to give a definitive build.

A basic rebel operative in the HWK290 with an Ion gun comes to 21 points. letting you spend more on a Luke Skywalker or Wedge Antilles.

Other random musings.

Luke Skywalker with R2D2 can be amazingly hard to shoot out of the sky but runs you 32 points. (maybe a rebel operative with ion cannon, a bwing and 25 more points? Biggs maybe?

If I had to pick what you needed next in your collection a single Z-95 opens some interesting doors. As it provides a bumper and cheap filler in a four ship list.

Sorry for my not all that collectedness. have the flu so hope it helps some.

Edited by Acheron143

Dutch and garvin is a good place to start, throw in a bwing with Fcs, give Dutch N ion, and you are on your way to a tried and true rebel squad. So, yeah, what he said.

Awesome guys! Thanks for the feedback. I do believe he just snagged a phantom, so what would you guys suggest picking up next to counter this new ship?

Turrets are the meta-defined favorite way to counter phantoms. Jan Ors with Veteran Instincts and an Ion cannon turret or Han with VI, Chewbacca and Luke (crew) would be good ways to go with your collection against phantoms.

You can field some good lists with what you have, and some better ones if you can borrow some upgrades from your imperial friend (Gunner, predator, etc). However, there are three purchases that you can make to significantly improve your squads.

Imperial Aces - A-wing buffs including Chardaan refit and A-wing test pilot; crew like Jan and Kyle that are great buffs to their corresponding HWK pilot (Kyle crew on Jan's HWK is really good). Keyan is a great B, and Nera can 360 torpedo phantoms.

E-wing - Corran is a great pilot and can anchor many rebel builds: Corran+PTL+FCS+EU+R2-D2 is a BEAST. Also, rebel access to the advanced sensor is great.

Z-95 headhunter - great filler at 12/13 points and some very useful named pilots. Airen Cracken is my favorite wingman to fly with AdvS B-wings.

Veteran Instincts is a great counter. However it only comes in the Slave 1 expansion pack so you'd have to borrow it from your friend if you only buy rebel.

I believe Darthjeff81 meant Rebel Aces. Because he's talking about Awings and Bwings but Imperial aces was 2 interceptors.

Rebel aces will do some great things to help counter phantoms. Nera Daniels plus Roark plus Biggs and a Cracken can do terrifying things.

Corran Horn is an amazing Phantom counter IF he has Veteran Instincts otherwise he is a bit harder to use. (Ewing pack)

Z-95 Head hunter gives you some great choices.

If I had to pick something I'd say Rebel Aces is your biggest bang, then Firespray 31 imperial booster (Veteran instincts is too amazing. Then a Z-95. Ewing is great but only with a Veteran instincts.

Basically the Phantom kicked off something we call the "High Pilot Skill wars" where every squadron either goes with no pilot skill with something like 4 Blue Squadron Bs and a Bandit or a healthy selection of Veteran Instincts on 7-9 base pilot skill units.

Veteran instincts comes in the Falcon box also

Fantastic info guys, thanks so much! I feel like I have a good direction to head in furthering my collection. I really appreciate it.

Veteran instincts comes in the Falcon box also

Thanks. I have forgot/missed this fact recently. Owning 3+ of each will do that to you.

Veteran instincts comes in the Falcon box also

Thanks. I have forgot/missed this fact recently. Owning 3+ of each will do that to you.

I only remember it because I was looking at what ship the upgrades come with in a squad builder!