Well, I have been thinking on some spells and may post some ideas up for tomorrow. As this is Night Fall I think you know to expect a Necromantic slant for the bulk of the spells I will be adding. I think another 10-15 spells, I am not sure on that, depends how imaginative I get. I wanted to introduce the idea of a minimum craft value for certain high power spells and maybe a miscast aspect to some spells. These will be simple card listed rules and no seperate rules will be introduced to the game as a whole. You could obviously get into some nice additional detail with these things, I remember designing about 100 miscast spell results for a play by mail game I designed way back. I was thinking that a simple loss of spells of maybe the loss of 1 craft for a miscast would add variety enough without the complicated addition of further rules. Then again a simple table of 6 spell miscasts may not add that much trouble for players to learn. example...
1=Turn yourself into a toad
2=Lose all your spells
3=Lose 1 spell or 1 craft
4=Lose 1 craft
5=Accidentally teleport 1d6 spaces clockwise. Encounter the space.
6=Lose 2 craft
Not very imaginative as it stands, but just an example and players could learn this and memorise the results fairly quicky.
I may have a sub type magic card as well - dark magic so I can introduce further conditions in some other adventure cards as a possibility. For example the Inquisitor character would automatically have to attack any encountered character wth dark magic spells. Some other ideas along those lines also.