Soft spot

By Tilaso, in X-Wing Squad Lists

My soft spot is for the Hwk. A list I have been testing (flying casually of course) is as follows:

-Roark Garnet: ion cannon, jan ors

-Corran Horn: r2d2, fcs, and ptl

-2x Prototype Pilot (awing) refit

The ps 12 comes in handy almost every turn, yielding a game changer kill more often than not. Corran could handle most problems by himself anyways and my a wings will either serve as rabbits or flankera very effectively.

Team is 3/3 vs a fel and friends team, vader and friends team, and fireapray/lambda team.

Good talk?

I have a soft spot for the Hwk too. I was surprised at how powerful it was when I got it.

I keep a kill count for all my ships throughout games. HWK (for whatever actual reason) is catching up to my Ewing