LOS Question

By GTrogi, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Alrighty we ran into this in our game today,

basically the hero wanted to target a tree for blast to hit a beastman next to the tree (whom she did not have LOS) and not hit herself

So the question is : Do you have LOS to the square that blocks LOS?

In the rules it says:
Line of sight is blocked by walls, closed doors, other figures,
and blocking obstacles. Thus you cannot, for
instance, shoot directly through one monster to hit another
monster behind it.

However you can taget a monster (which blocks line of sight)

The other thing in the rules is the diagram of LOS: the rubble is not highlighted as to say you can't target it but the monsters are

Hopefully there is a ruling on this I just missed :) , my gut says you can't but who knows when it comes to descent :o

Thanks, Greg

In the specific case of trees, a figure in a tree is said to have Shadowcloak , so you can presumably attack a figure in a tree, which means it must be possible to trace LOS into the space. And if figures standing in a tree space can attack other units, then it must also be possible to trace LOS out, which suggests a blast centered on a tree could hit figures in other nearby spaces (assuming nothing else blocks LOS).

With rubble, things are less clear, but I would tend not to allow targeting Blast attacks on rubble, either because you can't trace LOS into the square or because the blast effect can't trace LOS out and therefore doesn't hit anything, and I think most people would probably agree with my intuition on that, but I can't cite any rule clearly stating either of those.

I like your logic with the tree :) and I agree with you on both cases (tree + rubble)

Thanks for the response, is there anywhere it explicitly says you don't have LOS to the center of a rubble square (I mean it seems rediculous to me that you could but who knows :P )

GTrogi said:

is there anywhere it explicitly says you don't have LOS to the center of a rubble square (I mean it seems rediculous to me that you could but who knows :P )

Not that I'm aware of. However, fog (from the Altar of Despair expansion) specifically says that you don't have LOS into the space unless you're adjacent to it, so unless you want to say that rubble is less effective at blocking LOS than fog...