Casual Rebel BAXX List

By LtRico, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Hi all,

will be flying casual with my buddies Monday after work and would like some feedback/comments on my planned list:

A-Wing Tyco Celcho 26pts

Refit -2pts

Test Pilot

PTL 3pts

Outmaneuver or Daredevil 3pts


B-Wing Blue Squadron Pilot 22pts

Advanced Sensors 3pts

Ion Cannon 3pts


2x X-Wing Rookie Pilot 21pts


100pts total

Self Diagnosis


- 11 Red Dice

- 22 Hull&Shield Points

- Ion Control

- 4 Ships


- No Initiative bid

- X-Wing Dial

- B-Wing vulnerable to focus fire

- Overall low Pilot Skill

I am expecting a TIE Fighter rich environment, in addition most likely 1+ Interceptor and possibly a bomber or even Decimator thrown in the mix (no firesprays or shuttles in this sub-sector).

The idea is that I want to see Tycho on the table once more. His role will be that of Counter Interceptor, followed by Flanker, depending on enemy setup. Counter Interceptor has priority however, until the threat has been dealt with. But Tycho doesn't need to make the kill himself, at least harrass and keep the Interceptor busy until the bulk is free to take him on.

The B-Wing will be knife-fighting and ioning priority or opportune targets to line them up for the rookies to deliver the killing blow.

Hopefully enough disruption and damage can be done before this lists weaknesses will be exploited...

Will follow up with Battle Report if appreciated ;)

I feel like tycho might be focused. Get a little psychological warfare going and hype him up and you have a perfect rabbit for them to chase! Also i feel like the common conclusion is that generic xwings are a bad choice next to b wings. With that being said, the rule of cool dictates that you should fly this list on grounds that you can. Good luck!

Yeah I gotta agree I'm not too happy with the two Xs...but with Tycho being blinged out as he is I could'nt squeeze in 2 Bs (one with Ion Cannon the other AS) and 1 X, as that gets you to 101 points.

Tycho could be replaced by Jake or even a Green Squadron Pilot I guess, taking away the joy of flying without worrying about stress in the process however.

Thanks for your feedback!

Oh boy did I got served today :D

Using the above list I swapped Tycho for Jake and switched 1 Rookie for a Blue, spreading the IC and AS on the now two B's.

My buddy flew a somewhat poor man's version of a Phat Decimator with a TIE-Advance Vader in lieu of a Phantom.

Long story short: I didn't focus either ship down, flew the Rookie early into a rock, tried to kite the Decimator which is effectively running away from it, forgot he had a Seismic Charge and didn't take that one opportunity to ion the Decimator off the board due to poor planning.

On top of that my Buddy's red dice were on fire while my greens were on an extended strike, but that's just the cherry on top :)

In the end only Jake was slippery enough to outlive his buddies for a couple of rounds, while Vader and the Deci were shieldless, but nowhere low enough on health to be seriously threatened.

Despite the many, many situational pilot errors on my side I realize that my list was basically an unoptimized "Biggs walks the Dogs" in disguise: Drop A-Wing to Green, upgrade Rookie to Biggs, keep the Bees and fill remaining points to personal flavour...

How do you guys deal with enemy high PS veteran single ship escort Decimators?

Really depends on the escort. Obviously, you have to focus one of them down. Usually for me, it's the escort first. With ZERO green dice the Decimator goes down surprisingly quick. I know, I fly them.

I am preferential to the HWK and E Wing for high PS.

Either named Ewinger will do just fine.

I am preferential to the HWK and E Wing for high PS.

Either named Ewinger will do just fine.


Looking back at my experience earlier today I would have liked to zoom by the Deci at range 2-3, getting some shots in and then try to get on his tail for the rest of the game when he starts circling the board.

Does this sound effective to you, how would you deal with it?