So i thought i would throw all the new toys Empire gets together with Whisper to built a totally OP list XD. What do you think? Improvements?
100 points
Darth Vader (34)
TIE Advanced (29), TIE/x1 (0), Determination (1), Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
Soontir Fel (32)
TIE Interceptor (27), Push the Limit (3), Autothrusters (2)
"Whisper” (37)
TIE Phantom (32), Veteran Instincts (1), Advanced Cloaking Device (4)
I know i am really tight on points and would have some other important stuff to fit in like a Stealth Device for Soontir, a better EPT or Engine Upgrade for Vader or a FCS for Whisper, let alone a point bid for initiative.
So i tried to fit in the absolute must haves only. Feel free to improve the list and let me know!
Edited by ForceM