Which fleet would you choose?

By Dragontalon486, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Hey everyone, a friend of mine helped me come up with a fleet and I found a second way to fly the same number and type of ships.

The first fleet is;

Rear Admiral Chiraneau (46)

Veteran Instincts (1)

Engine Upgrade (4)

Omicron Group Pilot (21)

Fire-Control System (2)

2x Obsidian Squadron Pilots (26)

Total: 100 Points

The second fleet is almost the same as the first but the difference is Chiraneau has Expose and EI and the TIE fighter pilots are from the Academy. Both are at 100 points. Let me know what you think...

(Also knowing my friend he may use "whisper" with ACD, Gunner, FCS, and VI against me :( so any help with that would be appreciated)

If he's running Whisper + VI + Advanced Cloak, you definitely want VI on Chiraneau.

I am uncertain whether Engine Upgrade, FCS, and a pilot-skill bid on the TIEs is the way to go, though.

That's 10 points we can shave without actually changing the fleet's construction.

With phantoms existing, I'd definitely suggest a Rebel Captive on your shuttle. If the Phantom attacks it, the phantom doesn't get to use the ACD.

Since Chiraneau's going to be your.primary win condition, I'd give him Ysanne Isard, for the extra survivability. Engine Upgrade is still a possibility for the points, but those free Evades essentially give you 1 extra hull per round.

Now, we have 1 point remaining. The only 1 point upgrade we can meaningfully equip is Intelligence Agent.

  • Is IA worth taking over an initiative bid in this fleet?
  • On which ship should it be placed?

IA helps the Academies be more useful as blockers, as you can barrel-roll into the position to block.

IA should be put on the Shuttle, as Chiraneau's turret can take care of himself at Range 1. The TIEs will be needed to help the OGP.

I do wonder, though. Why a Shuttle, if you're not going to use internal combos with it, or use cannonry?

My friend was helping me come up with an Imp fleet that doesn't have too many upgrades (my most common flaw in squad building) and has more than two ships to it.

My friend was helping me come up with an Imp fleet that doesn't have too many upgrades (my most common flaw in squad building) and has more than two ships to it.

To do what you want to do you could do something like this (IA is just there as a filler but it freaks people out :ph34r: ):

Rear Admiral Chiraneau (46)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Ysanne Isard (4)
Intelligence Agent (1)
Engine Upgrade (4)
Academy Pilot (12)
Academy Pilot (12)
Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Cluster Missiles (4)
Total: 100

Would rebel capitve make more sense on the rear admiral?