Keyan/Wes/Cracken build

By 8obman, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Settled on a Rebel list I want to run which is

Keyan - opportunist


Cracken - predator


Wes strips tokens for Keyan and Craken can give extra action to Wes for extra punch. Bandit for a 4th ship as a blocker. This gives 4 points which I'm not sure where to go.

I don't care how you spend the extra four points, but you have to call this your Kanye West build.

Kanye West Cracks iT?

I don't care how you spend the extra four points, but you have to call this your Kanye West build.

I read that, too. I can't stand Kanye West, but...yeah, he kind of has to.

Possibly the strongest option is to give Cracken a set of Cluster missiles.

  • Clusters + Predator makes up for its otherwise sub-par damage against high agility opponents, and folks running Decimators will hate you.
  • 2 attacks + Cracken = 2 extra actions spread through your fleet. That's nuts!

Alternatively, you could go with something to keep your fleet alive. R2D2 on Wes, for instance.

Or you could go with a metagaming decision. What fleets do you expect to face? What upgrades make beating those fleets easier?

Both those options I've considered. I'm not a fan of ordinance due to one shot but hadn't considered the extra action from Craken. But the extra damage is good for alpha strike.

Also R2D2 considered but leaning more towards some way to get more damage in as I think 60m rounds ten to favour rapid damage output more than survival.

Good suggestions cheers.

Others have been upgrading to a Tala and something else.

I don't get much gaming so have no meta really. Hence looking for suggestions rather than play testing. But hopefully taking the squad to a couple of tournaments soon.

Also R2D2 considered but leaning more towards some way to get more damage in as I think 60m rounds ten to favour rapid damage output more than survival.

R2-D2 is a damage upgrade in this fleet.

It keeps an X-Wing alive, so more rounds of a 3 die attack, and it keeps Opportunist triggering, so more rounds of extra damage and extra focii for Farlander.

When your attack is threatening enough, the way to improve damage is by keeping it around, not by giving it 3% extra oomph.

That was my thinking behind R2D2 but wasn't sure if it would be a good investment.

Had a few other suggestions but R2 and Clusters are going to be tried out I think.
