Aedan's Armor - What to Wear?

By venkelos, in Rogue Trader

So, this is purely an opinion question, but I would love some opinions, so here we go. I don't play this game much, but I do like to invent characters, and sometimes I get the idea of slapping together a custom mini to represent them, and Aedan Qel-Drake is one such individual. The esteemed Lord Captain wears carapace armor, a salamander hide coat, an inferno pistol, and an Eldar power sword. Here be the question:

Were one to want to be a Rogue Trader who cuts a fine figure in public, and is wearing a long, green coat, what color should the armor be? Right now, he's base a Tempestor Prime who will have a different head, gun, and melee weapon, and I'm thinking that the armor will be green with gold trim. Would that look too plain with the green jacket? If he wants to be noticeable, but not ridiculous, what color would fit him well, being a dragon-meme with feet? You are, for the most part, suggesting what color I paint the mini, but this could matter almost as much if he was just a character in the game. Any suggestions would be great. Kind of veering away from red and gold, mostly because I somewhat detest the Blood Angels, and don't want him to smack of Khorne. Thank you for any thoughts you care to share.

White could contrast with the green in a noticable way. Hmm. Digging through my own paints here. What about complementing with Blue armor? This one might be a little stupid, but Orange could possibly contrast?

Just a few little dithering thoughts for the sir.

Traditionally blue and grey go well with green.

Brown isn't a "noble" color, and you want to stay away from red (also because of the Santa 40k jokes it might bring).

Personally I'd go with green primary, gold secondary, and a pale grey/bone for a couple of accents here and there when painting.

A sufficiently different green might help differentiate the armor and the cloak. Alternatively, paint the inside of the cloak a darker green, or even black, so the armor has something to contrast against.