Lieutenant Pack... PACK?

By DrannonB, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I just got Descent 2E about a week ago and so far I'm loving it! My girlfriend and I are having tons of fun with it, and I'm going to introduce it to my core gaming group at our next session. There's one thing that's bugging me though...

The Lieutenant Packs. I would love to have minis of all the lieutenants for the core game (the tokens just don't do them justice) but upon seeing one at my local game store I realized that the "pack" wasn't really a pack at all, and was only a single mini! After looking up all of the lieutenants indiviaully and pricing them out, I realized that I would likely be spending around 60$ just for the ones from the core game. That's more than I paid for the whole box!

Can't you guys offer up a bundle "pack" that actually includes all of the ones from the core set at the price of the other H&M packs? Even like 40-45$? I live in Denton, TX and could walk down to the Reaper factory and get minis super cheap, but I'd rather support FFGs on this one, unfortunately this is just hard to do with prices like that.

Anyway, thanks a lot for a great game system, and I hope this doesn't fall on def ears!

(If you can't do it for D2E, maybe at least then for SWEA????)

The packs are more than just a mini. each one comes with a deck of plot cards, and a mechanic for bringing in tbose characters in other quests.

I feel the same way and I don't get why they don't release all lieutenants for a storyline (campaign) in one box without any extras, but priced reasonably.

Maybe that would cost them too much to seem reasonable for adding no gameplay to the game (then again it's about 10 miniatures total and the base game alone has around 30 with 6 big ones).

However while it's true that these packs come with a new game-mechanism, owning all makes no sense and owning a few will leave you with lieutenant-tokens.

That's my dream Descent product... well other than including them in the core box.