Pick your poison

By cubby09, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Facing this list this weekend

Kirk+Isard+Jade+RC+Determination+flachette+engine up


I am countering with


Gold + R3A2+ICT

Who should I go after first? Echo or Kirk? I feel like echo would be better against me in the end game because Id be down a couple of ships most likely. However, the kirk build is formidable and is in the meta right now.

Please dont advise me to change my list. It has already been submitted to my LGS tourney and this is what I am facing in the first round.

Take whatever shots are easiest to get. Both of those ships can control the engagement against your list.

Straight for Kirk. If you fly at echo, you're just going to be chasing shadows as the turret eats you. The decimator really makes your fight one of attrition, you can't afford to miss taking any shots.

If echo presents herself, hopefully at range 2, take that shot. Don't forget stress will shut down Isard. You'll have to take a wide berth against the decimator as if you get stuck in knife range, you'll find yourself struggling to shake free from mara with your fairly slow dial (and predictable 2 kturn).

It might just come down to a lucky ICT hit on echo, green dice does that kind of thing. At least, it does to me.

Kirk is easy prey once you stress him and he can't use his engines to just fly away faster than you can chase. If you're lucky enough to then ion him twice he's dead. Do this quick enough and you may have enough left to catch Echo. Fly the Y-wing right at echo then and ion on a wing and a prayer.

Kirk is easy prey once you stress him and he can't use his engines to just fly away faster than you can chase. If you're lucky enough to then ion him twice he's dead.

A Decimator doesn't need to boost to fly faster than Y and B Wings can chase. Decimators have no red moves, a 4 straight, and the full set of moves at 2 and 3. Bs and Ys have a lot of red on their dials. Unless they are doing red moves a Decimator is able to put almost an entire range band of distance between them.

WWHSD - I get that they are faster but with eu they do drive bys of bwing lists with ease which sets up echo for the bait and switch before the Decimator strolls back in to do damage while the squad is disjointed. When you stall it out for a turn three Bs tear it up pretty good and it'll commonly go into survival mode.

What's the best way to take care of echo one the decimator is down? Fly on the edge to take away half his de-cloak options and hope to ion?

You'll have to just spread those arcs so he can't avoid everything when taking a shot. It's going to be rough since there is almost always going to be an option for him to just run echo away if he doesn't like the board. You're going to have to get lucky with a range 2 tactician then pounce.

What's the best way to take care of echo one the decimator is down? Fly on the edge to take away half his de-cloak options and hope to ion?

I'd think if you can setup a line of Asteroids along the side and try to have the fight take place there you might have a better chance of taking out Echo. If he has limited decloaks due to either the edge or asteroids it makes it easier to block another decloak option and have your guns pointing at another.

Send the B's at Kirk, send the Y at Echo, as Echo has Tactician and not Recon Specialist she might mess up the green dice. If anywhere the opportunity presents itself to fire at an uncloaked phantom, do it.

Agree with this :-)

Straight for Kirk. If you fly at echo, you're just going to be chasing shadows as the turret eats you. The decimator really makes your fight one of attrition, you can't afford to miss taking any shots.

If echo presents herself, hopefully at range 2, take that shot. Don't forget stress will shut down Isard. You'll have to take a wide berth against the decimator as if you get stuck in knife range, you'll find yourself struggling to shake free from mara with your fairly slow dial (and predictable 2 kturn).

It might just come down to a lucky ICT hit on echo, green dice does that kind of thing. At least, it does to me.

So i made it through the round of 64 and into day two the round of 8

First match I will be facing :




Obviously I blitz the decimator. Just curious though. What type of list would fare well against it? Fat Han?