Hello all,
New-ish player here looking for advice. I'm thinking about going to the X-Wing Store Championships in January and wanted to get some feedback on list ideas I have.
I'm familiar with the state of the meta, and while I don't expect to do exceptionally well in my first event, I'd like to have a chance against Fat Hans, Phantoms, Swarms, Decimators, and Dash lists. I've experimented with using Dash, but I was a bit concerned with the range one donut that can be exploited. I did, however, enjoy playing with Corran Horn.
Corran Horn--PtL, FCS, R2-D2, Shield Upgrade----48
Dagger Squadron Pilot--FCS----26
Dagger Squadron Pilot--FCS----26
Total: 100
Alternatively, I could tweak the list to gain Ion Cannons for some control.
Corran Horn--PtL, FCS, R2-D2----44
Blue Squadron Pilot--FCS, Ion Cannon----27
Blue Squadron Pilot--FCS, Ion Cannon----27
Total: 98
Any advice as to whether or not the lists are viable, which list is better, and any potential tweaks/concerns are welcome! Thanks!