Merging DH and RT

By egalor, in Rogue Trader

First thing I will do when I get RT - I will merge DH and RT, by making the latter a (high-level) expansion of the former.

With little imaginative work, Acolytes could be transferred temporarily to the service of the RTs. Or be temporarily dismissed from the Inquisition to have a lot of time on their hands. Or something similar.

Basically, that would allow me to play with my good old Acolytes through RT adventures as well. And then return to Inquisition. All the more that the game mechanics in both games are compatible (I can see that even from the sample RT charsheets).

I wonder if that will work that way ;)

PCs shoulod remember that RT Ranks are tougher than the ones they're used to. I think it's been said that RT Rank 1 is roughly equivalent to DH Rank 4 or something. At this point, don't we all have PCs in Rank 5 or 6? Higher even? Mine are verging on 7.

Check out the new Forsaken Bounty to see how close they are. Im looking foreward to the new setting for my acolytes.

An Inquisitor of my acquaintance has a favored acolyte he'd like to see hitch a ride on a Rogue Trader vessel for an extended term. She'll be dismissed from his service and hired by the Rogue Trader player in the first episode of our RT game. Narla (the Feral Scum PC) will still be working for the Ordo Hereticus, but hopefully she won't spill that to the other players, most of whom are generating new characters.

I can hardly wait. What she doesn't know is that our DH plotline will continue into RT unabated, just moving up in scale and threat level. There's a Talisman of Vaul at stake, it has to be found and destroyed, lest a radical lnquisitor get her hands on it. Previously, this was going to happen all in DH, but now, it can be truly epic, with fleets of ships and exploding planets instead of a handful of rival acolytes, eldar pirates, human scum and a power-mad Lady Rathbone shreiking her fool head off.

Eh, there's supposed to be conversion notes somewhere in Rogue Trader about bringing in your Dark Heresy characters. Not that important to me but I am interested to see how the conversion is supposed to be handled.

Aside from scale, are the rules really any different? I know that can't be truly answered, but after a quick skim, I didn't notice anything off in Forsaken Bounty.

While reading the first Haarlock Legacy campaign book I had a thought, and wondered if it would be possible. In the House of Dusk and Ash it gives a suggestion of possibly making one of the players one of the Heirs of the legacy, and then I was thinking "Depending on how the thing ends up, would it be possible for the heir character to end up with the Warrant? And if so could they then become a Rogue Trader, and so transfer over to RT, at least game system characters wise?" Now, there were various "in-universe" blocks I could see getting in the way ("Oh, yeah, I know I am an Inquistorial Agent, but I am just going to bugger off and fly out past the edges of the IMperium... bye-bye."), but would it be possible to transfer characters across easily?

I'm probably a heretic for suggesting this, but as my previous post implied, any in-game explanation can work. Perhaps the PC's inquisitor recognizes the value of a Rogue Trader whom he "brought up through the ranks" getting out there and civilizing the savage stars for the Imperium. This might be misguided, but worse things have happened. I know my first scene in RT will be Inquisitor Rhynn saying good bye to his acolyte Narla as she leaves for extended duty aboard the Arcadia ... It should be a good and character-driven thing and 40K fluff shouldn't get in the way.

Then again, my games are more like action movies than Call of Cthulhu investigations anyhow. My word can't really be trusted when it comes to ignoring flavor... I always err on the side of the player when it comes to fluff.

That said, I only take it so far. No female Astartes , for example. While that would rock... I won't do it. I suppose I just haven't seen a case where I've said "no" to some character-driven event, and moving from DH to RT is definately something you should allow and make room for in the story.

Jephkay, if there's one thing that can be constantly said about the 40k setting is almost anything can float, most certainly an Inquisitor with a Rogue Trader agent. Beyond that, there's a hell of a lot about a rogue trader that would interest one. Many inquisitors of a radical bent could be quite interested in acquiring things from the halo stars. Others might need to track an arch heretic out to the unknown as he tries to escape the emperors wrath. And it never hurts to have a powerful contact like a rogue Trader who keeps his eyes on the borders -a hell of a lot of threats to the Imperium tend to come from the Halo Stars.

The DH core book says that player's who max out their rank can graduate, either to become an interrogator, perhaps an inquisitor, or perhaps join up with a Rogue Trader crew. My guess (and it's only a guess) is that Rogue Trader classes could therefore work like an Advanced class from WFRP, with DH classes counting as basic classes. Maybe a Techpriest could spend an advance to become an Explorator, or one of the other classes, and continue advancing from that point.

Or there may be more details present in Ascension. But the three settings they are releasing seem clearly meant for increasing levels of power - and there doesn't seem to be a reason the same character couldn't be used for a good chunk of the way.

If and when Deathwatch comes out and then if I have a player that wants to be a female, I would have that player make a badass-bandana Sister of battle. They are some of the only female warriors that can go toe to toe with a space marine

Psion said:

Eh, there's supposed to be conversion notes somewhere in Rogue Trader about bringing in your Dark Heresy characters. Not that important to me but I am interested to see how the conversion is supposed to be handled.

I hope that this is the case. From what I have read on this thread, RT classes are like heroic classes; but clearly there are interrelations and connections between the two factions, so cross-over gaming should be possible if not encouraged. Even a small appendix in the back of the RT book would be most welcome.

Just another reason I am so looking forward to this new rpg from FFG. I have been very impressed with the DH rpg game line thus far, and this new game looks quite promising.