When wave 6 drops, this is what I'll fly

By SmartCookie, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Soontir Fel

Push the Limit


Turr Phennir

Push the Limit


Scimitar Bomber

Proximity Mines

Scimitar Bomber

Proximity Mines

Give Turr VI instead better synergi with his ability. For the 2 extra points you can throw a Targeting Computer on Soontir

Give Turr VI instead better synergi with his ability. For the 2 extra points you can throw a Targeting Computer on Soontir

Disagree in every way.

Turr + PTL can activate PTL off of his free action in combat. He can position aggressively, then boost/barrel-roll into an evade token as well. Or an arc-dodge. Whichever.

Targeting Computer, on the other hand, sucks.

Turr + PTL is great (as long as your remember you're PTLing after your attack. Otherwise you waste his ability because you're stressed.)

Maybe Stealth Device on Soontir? Fel + Stealth+autothrusters+PTL is going to be beast


Bomber to get some first joust soaking up of damage?

Ints to flank?


Will 4 ships be enough?


Bomber to get some first joust soaking up of damage?

Ints to flank?


Will 4 ships be enough?

I don't know if four ships will be enough but I'll sure try to make them work.

Bombers can take a load of punishment while the squints flank. I can also have one squint (probably Turr) escort the bombers (close but not in formation) while Fel flanks.

If needed after testing, the proximitiy mines can be replaced with Hull upgrades on both squints or a stealth device on Fel and a seismic on one of the bombers.