Between a rock and a very hard place | 100pt two-ship Imperial

By Keffisch, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Krassis Trelix — Firespray-31 36
Heavy Laser Cannon 7
Recon Specialist 3

Captain Oicunn — VT-49 Decimator 42
Intimidation 2
Rebel Captive 3
Navigator 3
Anti-Pursuit Lasers 2
Dauntless 2

Haven't felt the need for Ysanne in any games, yet.

C&C welcome

Oicunn is ps4, so is navigator going to be that useful? I've always enjoyed using Mara when flying the ram.

Navigator isn't used a lot that is true, it was mostly to have some form of flexibility and to act as a tool against low PS ships.

Mara Jade does basically the same so I will definitely be trying her out, thank you for the suggestion.

You might reconsider intimidation, doesn't allow oicunn to attack the struck ship,and if the firespray is busy... the obvious answer is daredevil, but then you have to give up the HLC because you would need the engine upgrade... just a few thoughts.

Edited by StarWarsDad1138

If you do decide to ditch Intimidation it's hard to go wrong with Determination on a VT-49.