PDF Character Sheet?

By Evil Genius Prime, in Zombie Apocalypse

PDF character sheet. Anyone know if there is one? Or if there will be one?

Thanks! :D

I made a printer friendly version of this character sheet without the beige background, but I can't for the life of me work out how to attach it here. Can anyone help? I somehow need to put it in "My Media", but don't know how to do that.

How to I attach a pdf file to this post?

Sent you a PM with help on how to get that pdf hosted.

I'd like a copy of your printer-friendly sheet if you care to pass it along. I'll pm you my email address.

Thanks Nashable! I'm working on a form fillable one as well. Should have it done soon.

Okay I sent it to you. I tried to arrange it so that the text fits exactly in the boxes, but let me know if it renders differently for you.

Edited by domdomdom

Sorry beat you to it ;)

Here is the link to a Form Fillable character sheet.

Please download before editing - I think you can edit in place which would be bad.

Thanks, just got Wrath of the Gods and was hoping somebody had done a clean character sheet. You guys rock!

Here's my own that I've edited recently

Here's the link

Here it is, my first post. Though I have not had a chance to play the game itself (yet), I already prepared a PDF for this moment. As these sheets are mainly about preferences and taste, maybe this one will suit some of you as well. Enjoy!

Here's the link

Edited by Falkas

Here it is, my first post. Though I have not had a chance to play the game itself (yet), I already prepared a PDF for this moment. As these sheets are mainly about preferences and taste, maybe this one will suit some of you as well. Enjoy!

Awesoome; good job on that.