On page 19 and 20, the movement rules and movement points are explained. Movement states that performing a move provides movement points to the unit for that activation and that they are to be added to the remaining movement points the figure possess. Does this mean that a unit can take 2 move action as one full movement pool? Had this come up as the imp player had a unit with 5 movement. His 5 move put him in a space that he couldn't end his turn in. He stated it was one move pool for the two actions, we disagreed. How is this played? Can you interrupt a move action with another move action to add the points together?
movement rules unclear..need clarification.
You take a move action and gain your speed in movement points. You can spend them anytime during your activation. You can take a move action followed by another move action.
Since you can interrupt your movement to take another action, it seem to me that it would essentially work as a pool of points.
For example, you have a move of five. You take a move action, and move four squares, stopping adjacent to a square that requires two movement points to enter. you only have one left, so you can't enter it. You then take your second action as a move action, gaining five more movement points. Is there anything that says you can't combine the one remaining point of movement with the five from the second move action? I can't see why you couldn't. Any other opinions?
I agree that you add them to the pool. When I need to book it, I take both movement actions and then spend all my movement points at once. You could also interupt the first movement as stated above. It's just like moving 2 spaces, attacking, and then moving 2 more spaces after attacking. Spending movement points is not an action.
Performing a move does not move the figure; it only provides movement points that may be spent during that figure’s
Performing a move does not move the figure; it only provides movement points that may be spent during that figure’s
activation. This means that a figure may use its first action to perform a move, followed by an attack, and then spend themovement points. It may even spend some movement points before the attack and then some of them after the attackInterpretation:Performing a move does not move the figureYou basically telling your opponent this is the unit your going to useIt only provides movement points that may be spend during that figure's activationYou gain 'x' Speed to move your figure in your turnThis means that a figure may use its first action to perform a moveYour figure will use 1 of its 2 action to make the physical movementfollowed by an attack, and then spend the movement points. It may even spend some movement points before the attack and then some of them after the attackYou are given 'x' movement (lets say 4) you move 2 space and using the 2nd action you attack the opponent no matter of the result you then use the remaining 2 movement points to move 2 more spaces.ConclusionYou can use both actions for a turn to allow you to Move & ShootYou can use both actions to Move twiceYou can use both actions to Shoot twiceYou can use 1 strain to move 1 additional space this is not an action and can only be used twice per Hero activationIn Skirmish, you can only spend one action to attack. And in Campaign or missions, only heroes can use both of their actions to attack.
Taking a movement action just adds movement points to your pool, nothing more.
Additionally, spending up to 2 Strain to gain movement points does not count as an action, nor does spending those 2 movement points to actually move.