Okay so this was designed around proton torpedoes. I know not that good but it is fun.
Jan Ors HWK-290
- Blaster Turret
- Kyle Katan
Horton Salm Y-wing
- Proton Torpedoes
- Proton Torpedoes
Nera Dantiels B-wing
- Proton Torpedoes
- Proton Torpedoes
- Munitions Failsafe
100 points Rebel Squadron 3 ship.
Okay so 3 ship Rebel builds are not that good especially with 3 small ships. Also I know that is 16 points worth or torpedoes which I could just get a prototype with chardan refit. So the idea is to have the Y-wing and B-wing fire proton torpedoes and Jan Ors boosting them from 4 dice to 5 dice attacks. Kyle turns Jan Ors stress into a focus for each green maneuver so I have focus to fire the blaster turret. Nera can trick shot her torpedoes out of arc giving me another turret ship to kill phantoms. Also gave her munitions failsaf so she doesn't wiff. As for Horton he never wiffs with torpedoes. Blanks are rerolled and the focus becomes a crit with proton torpedoes. Keep him in the back and use as a sniper because for some reason everyone goes after him. After the torpedoes I still got B-wing 3 dice. Horton can focus and take range 2-3 shots rerolling blanks. Jan can still boost damage and continues to make blaster turret shots with Kyle.