Star Wars Podcasts

By Captain Awesome, in X-Wing Off-Topic

I'm looking to add another podcast or two for my commute to and from work. I already listen to all the X-Wing podcasts - I'm asking about just straight Star Wars themed podcasts. Here's what I've been listening to already:

RebelForce Radio ( iTunes | Stitcher )

I like their humor and the extra shows that they have in their feed (Star Wars Oxygen: The Music of John Williams; RADIO 1138; Fangirls Going Rogue; full-length film commentaries, etc.).

Full of Sith ( iTunes | Stitcher )

The show feels like you're just spending time with friends talking about Star Wars.

Coffee With Kenobi ( iTunes | Stitcher )

I like that they analyze the lesser-appreciated parts of the saga and try to figure out why they work.

The Star Wars Report ( iTunes | Stitcher )

It may just be the catchy intro music, but I like this show too (it's probably the humor though).

ForceCast ( iTunes | RSS )

I tried the ForceCast for about a year after the RebelForce Radio crew left but, but didn't much care for it - the humor was a little dry (which I could deal with) but they seemed overly critical of the prequels (which I could not deal with - though I realize many in this forum would probably be fine with that).

So, any other suggestions?