Decimator and 2 advanced

By comawhite, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Came up with this, it reminds me of the old falcon + 2 rookie builds, but with better damage output and evasion on the rookies

Rear Admiral Chiraneau (46)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Ysanne Isard (4)
Rebel Captive (3)
Moff Jerjerrod (2)

Tempest Squadron Pilot (21)
Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
TIE/x1 (0)

Tempest Squadron Pilot (21)
Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
TIE/x1 (0)

Total: 100

Also thinking about swapping the 2 ATCs and VI for predator and 2 accuracy correctors. This would shoot after whisper, but more consistent damage, while letting the advanceds go full tank/block mode.

Edited by comawhite

I cant imagine playing a deci without EU. Id have to go with Oicunn drop the Moff and add it.

Also thinking about swapping the 2 ATCs and VI for predator and 2 accuracy correctors. This would shoot after whisper, but more consistent damage, while letting the advanceds go full tank/block mode.

VI is useful on RAC, to be sure, but the ACs are better on the generic Advanced, IMO. You don't have to worry about changing your Target Lock so often to make sure ATC activates, and like you said you can be more defensive with the TIEs. I only don't like Predator in this setup because RAC only has Target Lock and Focus for his actions; TL would become redundant with Predator, and Focus is already redundant with his ability. Perhaps leave VI on and give him a Seismic Charge? Swarms would be pretty dangerous against this build.