Stress is Vrilliant!

By Ernie55, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Hey folks, been making some lists with my new xmas toys, this is the one I'd like to give a run out. Lemme know what you think :)

Eaden Vrill


-Experimental Interface

Nera Dantels


-2x Flechettes

Dagger Pilot



-Ion Cannon

100 on the nose



I think this is a good list. The only thing that can hurt is the mobility of the bwing but Nera kinda knocks that out

Nice list! Eaden is my favorite Outrider pilot.

I like running Eaden with Hobbie + the stress droid, though Nera with Flechettes is also a good idea and lets you spread your ships out more.

I prefer the consistency of RecSpec over Lando + Exp. Interface, but with the Outrider's dial the stress probably won't be much of a bother.

Just wait till the new cannons come out. Stress torps plus stress cannon equals everyone gets stressed.

With all the high PS pilots flying around I'm not sure if the 2 points spent going with a Dagger instead of a Blue are worth it.

You could put an FCS on the Blue or Munitions Failsafe and a 1 point EPT on Nera instead of having the Dagger.

Was contemplating dropping Lando and the EI for a plain RecSpec which saves 4(?) points.

I bumped the Bwing to Dagger squadron so he fires before Eaden. Helps me make sure the enemy are stressed, plus helps a little against predator.

I would avoid the EI personally. The YT-2400 has an insanely good dial and I wouldn't give that up lightly. Dash w/ PtL and Kyle can do it because 3 actions a turn affords a lot of options and he has the PS to back it up.

I would keep Vrill mobile so he can try to get within range 1 of ships and deliver a 4 dice punch on some already stressed sob.

Edited by Sekac

Eaden Vrill - 32pt

- Recon Specialist - 3pt

Jan Ors - 25pt

- Ion Cannon Turret - 5pt

- Recon Specialist - 3pt

- Moldy Crow - 3pt

Dagger Squadron Pilot - 24pt

- Fire Control System - 2pt

- Ion Cannon - 3pt


How about this at 100pt

On Jan, Kyle Katarn is hands down better than a recon specialist. You can just focus again for a second one, or you can TL if you're not getting shot at. You get a focus, even when you get blocked.

Otherwise, I'm not sure what Vrill is doing in this list. You have 2 sources of ion, but none of stress. /E2 mod and tactician costs the same as an ion cannon.

I'd probably do:

Vrill w/ HLC

Jan w/ ICT, Kyle

Dagger w/E2, tactician

Jan pumps Vrill up on the joust and the B tries to stress the ships closest to Vrill so his pitiful attack 2 turret all of a sudden pounds 5 reds in at range 1.

Edited by Sekac