Your most Hated list.

By Hobbyist, in X-Wing Squad Lists

What is the list you would most loathe playing against? This is inspired by the last tourney I played.

I ran:

Eaden Vrill with Experimental Interface + Lando

Dagger with Tactician, maybe sensor jammer

Hobbie w/ R3-A2

Not a common list for me, but the TIEs have to rest sometimes

I face

Echo with sensor jammer, cloaking device, and a bazillion other things

Carnor Jax with shield and maybe hull, too

Dark Curse with shield, i think

Long story short, I couldn't DO anything. Probably the least fun I've had playing the game. (keep in mind this was situational, I'm sure there was some way to fly that would have maximized my chances to survive)

It didn't help that I had the first round bye, which is always a little disappointing because you expect to play 3 games, and end up only playing 2. It also didn't help that my opponent kept on narrating my turn, like I didn't know what I was doing.

What's the list that gets on your nerves

I dont like lists that are clearly 'optimized' but have no real feel for the star wars mythos but the only thing i find a bit boring to play againt re echo based lists.

Its more the 'catch me if you can'... i usually do but i like a straight out dogfight :)

Double falcon builds get me, I usually run four ship rebel lead by wedge and if I don't get my attack vector right it's brutal. For imps I run kath with whisper or Soontir and some ties, that goes even worse.

I don't know why, but Keyan Farlander makes my blood boil. I really don't understand how a ship is/was allowed to turn a negative thing in to a positive.

I sadly don't get enough games in to have boogey lists though

I don't know why, but Keyan Farlander makes my blood boil. I really don't understand how a ship is/was allowed to turn a negative thing in to a positive.

I sadly don't get enough games in to have boogey lists though

Soontir Fel?


Soontir is more benefit at a price to my eye. I dunno, I'm just not a fan of Keyan

Lately it's any list that has corran with R2-D2. R2-D2 on ewings in general is bad news, but moreso on corran with his high PS.

Plus I'm still bitter about losing the first round of the recent TCO because of that combo.

Don't really hate it, as I play it too, but I find named Phantom builds with ACD annoying. It basically forces you to have a PS9+ unit on your build or risk being hit by the Phantom with impunity.

I don't know why, but Keyan Farlander makes my blood boil. I really don't understand how a ship is/was allowed to turn a negative thing in to a positive.

I sadly don't get enough games in to have boogey lists though

I guess Keyan is a true optimist.

Tie Swarm!

Personally, I think R2 D2 should be unique to Luke.. he would never lend R2 out to anyone other than Han or Leia..

But honestly.. focus down Corran and he's toast, R2 or no... same with anyone. I had Vader and a tempest focus down a decimator the other day.. taking minimal damage in return.. just took me 4 turns to kill it...

Edited by oneway

I play Keyan a lot and sometimes it almost feels like cheating 'hey im doing this, and this, and this ... oh no im stressed out, but thats ok cos i thrive on stress.. watch it even makes me *better* '


But then I can see a logic in it. I work on a magazine and i find my best articles are done the day before deadline... articles i've had two months to write but left it til the last minute. Things i start off early and have ages to do come out quite weak.

I definitely work better with a deadline/stressful situation but i dont think you can really compare writing articles with starfighter dogfighting :)

The one that destroyed me without getting a single hit on them.

Don't really hate it, as I play it too, but I find named Phantom builds with ACD annoying. It basically forces you to have a PS9+ unit on your build or risk being hit by the Phantom with impunity.

This is exactly how I feel.

Echo is especially annoying with six decloak options yet the only one ever used is backwards left, 1 Turn right.

Whisper/mini swarm. I just feel helpless.

Thankfully we don't see a ton of them in our local meta, but Fat Han is jut annoying. I am not a proponent of banning it or any of its components, because it's not exceedingly, amazingly difficult to beat, but it is a slog. Win or lose, it's usually a boring match.

Edited by StarWarsDad1138

I used to hate Fat Han because I flew TIE interceptors. When I stopped flying Soontir Fel, though, TIE phantoms became REALLY tough! Fat Han is easy with my Kenkirk build, which is a nice change.

I used to hate Fat Han because I flew TIE interceptors. When I stopped flying Soontir Fel, though, TIE phantoms became REALLY tough! Fat Han is easy with my Kenkirk build, which is a nice change.

Have you tried autothrusters? They're amazing!

My most hated list goes something like this...

Biggs Darklighter (25)

75 points of fill to taste.