All these list with...

By Moore84, in X-Wing Squad Lists

...Dash and Corran how about Dash and Keyan!

Dash Rendar - 36pt

- Lone Wolf - 2pt

- Outrider - 5pt

- Recon Specialist - 3pt

- Heavy Laser Cannon - 7pt

Keyan Farlander - 29pt

- Stay on Target - 2pt

- Advanced Sensors - 3pts

- Heavy Laser Cannon - 7pt

- B-Wing/E2 - 1pt

- Navigator - 3pt


Keyan can stalk and blast targets with ease or play "catch me if you can!"

I like seeing someone try to make use of Stay on Target and Navigator on a ship that doesn't largely see either of those upgrades (and what ship does see Stay on Target?), but I feel like the biggest problem you're going to have is survivability.

The list certainly packs a punch at 8 dice between HLC shots, but if enemies get into range 1 of Dash you could have some serious trouble keeping up in the B-Wing. Four forward being the B's fastest maneuver will certainly make it more difficult than it should be, and Stay on Target could end up being a waste of points if you're caught in a race doing only 3- and 4-speed maneuvers versus ships that can do 5 forward or 4- and 5-speed K-turns.

However the list does look fun and I bet it could really run the game if it had a strong first turn or two.

I ran almost that exact list last night. I didn't think that Navigator added enough value for 4 points so I took Engine Upgrade instead. I spent the final 2 points on APL for Dash because I couldn't find a better use.

I do think that Keyan may die too quickly for that large of a point investment.

Edited by WWHSD

What lists did you play and how did it perform? BTW I added APL to Dash as well lol, makes ppl think twice about getting too close

Edited by Moore84

I only played a single game against an Etahn swarm with it and won. I lost Keyan early enough that Dash pretty much had to do everything by himself. Lone Wolf and Recon Specialist worked well together and made Dash pretty durable against the shots that I couldn't dodge. Dash had the highest PS on the table so it might have gone much differently if he wouldn't have been able to arc dodge as well.