Frieghter Escort 100pnt Rebel Tourney list

By Arrathon, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Hi guys, Been lurking here a while now, and decided to throw up a small list I ahve been playing. Our store just started X-wing and it has Exploded. We are doing our very first offical Tournoment on the 17th and I so want that medal lol. My theory is Having "what i want" while also having manuverbility sort of like a small angry space hornet swarm lol.This is my first tourney, I figured running as many planes as possible Would be better then running Toy boxes (ships with lots of upgrades) What do you guys think?

Heavy Laser Cannon

Prototype Pilot
Chardaan Refit

Prototype Pilot
Chardaan Refit

Bandit Squad Pilot

Bandit Squad Pilot

I think you have a good start but I might trade the headhunters for an xwing and PtL or Recon spec.

Soon as it comes out. Im trading the HLC for a Mangler, and Running Dash. Im one of the few 5 ship lists in our area, Most run Phantoms and Defneders, or Dual X's and B's.