As far as warp-capable scale, that is. I'd love to do a "Firefly-ish" game, but I'm not sure if it's possible.
Can you have Serenity or the Millennium Falcon?
I doubt it but then again Serenity wasn't FTL capable so you could just set the game as a bunch of smugglers in a heavily populted system. Actually it would be quite easy to make a "Firefly-ish" game using Rogue Trader or Dark Heresy all though Rogue Trader would probably be better. It would probably just be a case of tweaking some numbers down and limiting the characters to more Dark Heresy like equiptment for the most part (assuming the equiptment in Rogue Trader is better). If you sat down and wrote up a System in some detail with probably with 2 Hive Worlds in the Habitable belt making it a prosperous system with lots of trade then some mining operations, a penal world and some space stations you could add alot of detail to the game and it would allow the players to revisit locations repeatedly which is something that doesnt happen that often in Dark Heresy. Give the players a relitively rare large shuttle that is fast but in disrepair and have fun.
'Sounds like great advice; I hadn't thought of the in-system angle, but it may fit. Of course, having a warp-capable ship may not be out of the question, but I'll obviously have to wait until the book's out.
I doubt that anything but the most advanced ships would be able to fit a warp drive, a geller field and the regular propulsion systems as well as all of the other systems in a ship that small (and if you had a ship like that you would sell it for an extortionate price and buy yourself a full blown escort because that is one rare ship). You could always take a different leaf out of Fireflys book and make an arrangement like Inara's (no not that kind of arrangment), with the Capitan of a different ship for passage every time he moves on. If the captain had a predictable rout then "buisiness" transactions could be planned in advance. It would also mean putting yourself at the mercy of another ship which could add unexpected delays into the mix.
I did conduct a successful travelling campagin with a the PCs all being stuck to heresy age dropship the size of roughly 4 thunderhawks. What they did for travelling was hiking warptravel with bigger ships. They always had to deceit, force or ask nicely to get transported but it worked very well and enhanced the RPG aspect in a big way.
I am thinking about running a Traveller style games in a sector of the Ultima Segmentum that I invented, and I am still unsure how big the ship will be the PCs are going to get.
On a second thought, while Serenity, the Falcon or a 100t freetrader are good small ships, having a Star Trek like exirience might also be nice. The players can swap Charakters from time to time and rely (or not!) on the crew to keep the ship running and bust them out.
If you dont have it already the I.H. has a a few pages in the Void section pertaining to system ships, ship qualityand such. And if your interested in keeping to the Calixis setting the Malfian sub-sector has pirate infested 3 planet system, two war worlds, a couple of forbidden planets and several hive worlds on the very fringe of the Astronomicon- bordering the Halo Stars.
Worth noting... even if you are flying a system-ship like Serenity doesn't completely restrict you to one system. Just get passage the hold of a warp-capable ship, like Eisenhorn does with his guncutter. I expect there may even be some warp ships have a good sideline in ferrying tramp freighters between systems.
shore you could it, it would be a matter of a small ship like a cutter and a very small crew so yes you could.
Its not that clear in the Series but the sourcebooks explain it better, Firefly is set in 1 Solar System - be it a large system with a number of core worlds and terraformed fringe planets. You could give the PC's a large guncutter or big Dropship and let them run around to their hearts content. If you watch Serenity you'll see there are more than enough ideas there to keep them well out of mischief.
I was just thinking about this, and giving the Serenity crew classes based on the ones we got from the sample adventure. It's super easy. Mal is a Rogue Trader, obviously. Both Jayne and Zoe are Arch-Millitants with different styles, Wash is a Void-Master, Simon is a Seneschal with a focus on medicine who broke his psyker sister out of a black-ship cull or worse experiment. River is said psyker, likely with a smattering of precogniton and body improvement powers. Book is a Missonary, big shock. Kaylee is likely another Seneschal, or mabye Void Master if they also can focus on fixing ships instead of flying them. Inara is the only one I'm having issues with, but that's mostly becuse we don't know if Rogue Trader is the only social class, or if there is a more specalized "face" style class. So yeah, it all works. Go out to the black, land in crappy backwaters, take on jobs, dodge the Powers That Be who hate members of your crew. Profit.