Ok, you all know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about which Chun-li player is going to come out on top and win the Diversity tournament at US Nats next week.
Off the top of my head (please add to the list of achieved - correct names or statements below-, or add yet to be achieved but strong players planning to run Chun-li and at US Nats) and not trying to disclude anyone, we have the following...
Matt Kohls. Famous for a lot of things, but more recently famous for playing very well with Chun-li but not coming out on top of the diversity in many of his recent showings (I think one or two regionals but not Path or Cannats?)
John Macek. Famous for placing 4th, then 3rd, then 2nd, then 1st with his Chun-li and for using some unconvential tech in his decks. Word is he also avoids the 1 check like the plague!
Nick A. Diversified at Can Nats, I only played him once but I am quite sure he also uses a few special/unexpected cards in his Chun-li. Will he be running her again?
Mike Lowe, Winning the mini-tournament of Chun-lis at Cannats, Mike runs a very solid Chun-li deck that a) gains life, b) gains momentum c) readies stuff, all with free enhances!!! Will he follow up his North of the border top 8 with a South of the border top 8 and a consecutive Diversity battle win?
JChang. Winning the GB WI regionals with the Blue Beauty, he has since gone with Kyshiro at a more recent regional, only to finish very well but not topping the event. Will he be at Nats? Will he enter his bid into the Tournament within the Tournament and play his Chun-li???
Who will win? Who will place the spinning bird kick to your face on your own turn! Only time will tell. But here, on the forums, we can still have fun with our meager predictions.
Also, who else is going to run Chun-li and enter into this tough crowd? Speak now or forever hold your peace, and by that I mean don't show me Chun-li when I sit down across from you at US Nats next week. In fact, don't even bring it out of the sideboard!!!
Please post your following predictions:
1. Number of Chun-lis played at the event.
2. Will at least one Chun-li top 8 - yes/no.
3. Number of Chun-lis diversified at the event.
4. Which player will it be that wins the tournament within the tournament and plays top 8 as Chun-li?
5. Will SoS or an equivalent tie breaker play a part, like I think it did for Chunster, at the Cannats?
6. How many Chun-li Sandbags will be in the top 8?
7. Will we see a top 8 (or diversified) Chun-li off of either Void or Water as a primary symbol?
8. Will Chun-li top 4, top 2, or even win the thing?
My own guesses at the questions that will define the torunament within the tournament at US Nats.
1. I think we will see at least 7 different players playing with Chun-li as their starting player. I wouldn't be surprised if it is as high as 10.
2. Yes... or I will kick myself for not playing as her lol.
3. I think 1 will be diversified. i.e. two in the top 8 before one gets the boot.
4. I honestly can't say.
5. No, I think they will have a 1 point differential but both be in top 8.
6. 1 sandbagger. I know that this is pretty much saying that there will only be 2 Air decks of the top 8 contenders, that is my prediction.
7. No, I hope to see one or two of the 7+ played as void or water, but I don't think it will be one that top 8s or is diversified out.
8. The real (non bagged) Chun-li will top 2, if not win the whole thing.
- dut