Creature Resource

By Crow Eye, in Rogue Trader House Rules

I didn't see a document like this anywhere recently, so here it is. Exactly as said.

The idea is to get a resource page going for anyone who wants to share their custom creations from the games they've played, as well as ask for insight and opinions about their creations as well if that is desired. These can range from creatures, xenos, abhumans, etc, that exist in the 40K universe but haven't made it into the 40K RPGs yet, beings that do exist in the 40K RPG that have been tinkered with or fleshed out even more, to completely original creations.

I see people posting individual topics for some of their creations, and while this is cool (sometimes the great amount of work that goes into creating something deserves its own thread), sometimes these threads get scattered with the passing of time. For some of those threads (or for creations that could be too large with the discussion they generate to warrant putting them in a mixed thread), simply linking them here could be useful in helping others find them after a period of time has passed.

If there is already a topic like this, my bad, but I didn't see one anywhere within here and 2012.