Quotum of positiveness

By Cununculus, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Today I received a fun message. I read many posts I liked in many discussions.

But my positive streak came to an end:

You have reached your maximum quatum of positive reactions for today.

Anyone else ever had this message?

Apparently it's quite common, but I have yet to see it.

I find it depressing that there aparently is a maximum of positive reactions.

It's like if the universe puts a level cap on happiness.


Edited by Robin Graves

I find it depressing that there aparently is a maximum of positive reactions.

It's like if the universe puts a level cap on happiness.


If you only knew the power of the dark side.


So, something like this?

Yea I've gotten that message before, haven't gotten it in a while, because I don't find much to like these days with all the fix this fix that syndrome going around.


So, something like this?


There's a limit on positivity?

That's depressing.

There's a limit on positivity?

That's depressing.

Now you're getting it. Use your positivity sparingly.

Never over-think stuff...



There's a limit on positivity?That's depressing.

Now you're getting it. Use your positivity sparingly.

When I was young my dad bought me Star Wars toys. But because he didn't want me playing with guns he sawed off all the weapons on the vehicles, and chucked out all the blasters. He even took the lightsabers from Luke and Vader.

Found out over a decade later they were worthless. If he hadn't removed the weapons, then I'd have £££'s.

I've been in love twice. First was not to be and the second started dating somebody else but didn't tell me about it. I saw her with him and found out.

I've never been to America, China or anywhere exciting. Can't remember the last holiday I've been on, and that was to Geneva.

That should rebalance my positivity with some negativity. I can now make some happy comments....


....if I can now.