Rules question: Can a Rebel-controlled figure double-attack?

By Dacke, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault


I played Imperial Assault for the first time last Friday with some friends, and it was awesome (much better than Descent, which some of us had played before). However, we did run into a rule we thought was a bit strange, at least considering the scenario.

I don't want to spoil the mission in question for anyone who wants to remain unspoiled, so I'll try to explain the issue in general terms. In the mission, one of the Rebel figures was replaced by a figure normally controlled by the Imperial player, and the Rebel player was given a deployment card with that figure's stats on it. We all thought this was awesome and cool... until we realized that since that figure wasn't the actual Rebel figure, it only got to attack once per turn instead of twice. Sure, that one attack was pretty powerful, but given that the player didn't get to use his special abilities it felt somewhat underwhelming.

I guess what I'm wondering is if we missed something? As far as we could tell, the Hero was replaced with a Rebel-controlled Imperial figure represented by a deployment card, and figures represented by deployment cards only get to shoot once. Right?


Only Heroes can attack twice.

So if a Hero is essentially replaced for a mission by a figure that doesn't have a Hero card, they cannot attack twice.

I don't know what mission this is, and don't want to be spoiled, so I'm not really going to look into it further, but that's my take on it!