feat versus spawn

By snacknuts, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The exact name of the feat escapes me...

It's the magic feat that "counters" a card played by the overlord.

If the overlord plays spawns a card, and the feat causes it to have no effect (However it's worded) Would the spawn marker still be flipped?

I think the feat-cards text is "the overlords card is not put into play and is discarded instead."

So the cards effect does not occur since the card is handled as it would have never been played.

In this case: The spawn-markers eyes remain wide opened as a spawn-card hasn't been played.

In fact, I think the overlord could immediately play another spawn card out of his hand as no spawning-card has been played in his turn.

"preventing evil" is your card. I would agree that eyes don't flip if that spawn is cancelled. I think we screwed this up once in our campaign. I would also agree another spawn can most likely be played.

Interesting... I had that played on one of my spawns in the regular game and didn't play another spawn card. Maybe in vanilla there is a rule about only playing one spawn card, regardless of its outcome?

It´s even worse if the OL had payed 15 threat to rest the marker (probably close to the level end), then plays the spawn which is then cancelled. Pretty unfair to let 15 threat go down the drain.

I asked that and related issues, but never got a response from FFG.

Parathion said:

It´s even worse if the OL had payed 15 threat to rest the marker (probably close to the level end), then plays the spawn which is then cancelled. Pretty unfair to let 15 threat go down the drain.

I asked that and related issues, but never got a response from FFG.

Well, I would say that you lose the 15 you payed to flip, just that you don't flip if you didn't get to spawn. There's only one preventing evil in the Wizardry feat deck and unless you have 2 mages, you generally only go through the deck 2 times in a complete campaign. I would say that it's probably the single most powerful feat out there, capable of cancelling crushing blows or early evil geniuses. If it so happens that the heroes play it to stop a late spawn and the OL doesn't get to play another spawn before they exit the level...fair play to the heroes. Excellent use of feats and also pretty lucky the OL didn't have another spawn card handy.

@Veinman: it really depends on the wording of Preventing evil. If it cancels the card without effect, a spawn was never played. This means you can still play a spawn if you have the card. In vanilla, I really can't see it being worth using that card on a spawn unless it's something like a lone troll or a legions of the dead...something that can result in multiple hero deaths. In rtl, the application is greater because spawns are potentially more powerful with upgraded monsters and because of the reinforcement marker.