
By mouthymerc, in Zombie Apocalypse

Some questions to see what the lay of the land is.

  1. How broad would you allow your features to be? For instance, could someone have the the feature "Infantry Training" so that you could apply it across different actions like shooting, athletics, or endurance/resilience checks? Or would you rather it be broken down into individual features?
  2. Can a feature be applicable across categories? Physical/Mental/Social? For instance, say someone has taken "Special Forces" as a positive feature in each category, would this seem appropriate?
  3. Can a feature be both a positive and/or a negative? For instance, could you have "Infantry Training" as a positive feature for physical (supporting shooting and athleticism) and a negative feature for social (supporting a willingness to be subordinate)?
  4. Skills as features? In a game where you are not playing yourself, could you see applying skills as features to characteristics? Like having shooting and stealth under Physical and applying them to Dexterity checks when appropriate? Or is it better to stay more generic?

More later as I think of them.

This is something I was wondering myself. I would like to see more examples of features and how they might come into play.

deleted by poster as posted on wrong thread lol

Edited by llothos

I was thinking about this too. It seems ripe for min-maxing to have some features be so broad as to apply to most every situation (natural athlete, charming, asthma) and some that would only apply rarely (lockpicking, sniper training, chocolate allergy). If they players are smart, they would just take the broadest possible positive features and the narrowest negative ones.

I'm leaning towards just letting players take infinite positive AND negative features: just telling them to build their character. That way they will all have some broad and some narrow features and the strength of the added positives will be balanced out by the added negatives.

I don't know... Thoughts?