A few questions. Pounce, rest, deployment

By treybert, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I played my first few games last night and a few questions popped up:


For a nexu, is it possible to attack with the first action, then pounce with the second (which includes an attack)?

For a nexu, is it possible to move through a tight corridor where there are enemies blocking your base from fitting, then using pounce mid way through to land in an open area?


Is a hero allowed to rest twice in one round?


How many groups are you allowed to deploy in a round? Are you allowed to reinforce multiple times, assuming you have the threat?

Deployment and Setup:

In the campaign guide, when a mission states "Increase threat by twice the threat level and resolve an optional deployment", does that mean just on the first round, increase the threat level 2x and then you can spend those points before the first round starts?

Also, as the Imperial player, am I required at all to tell the rebels where the green deployment locations are?

I played my first few games last night and a few questions popped up:


For a nexu, is it possible to attack with the first action, then pounce with the second (which includes an attack)?

NO. If an action has "Attack" in its description, it counts as one of the attacks.

For a nexu, is it possible to move through a tight corridor where there are enemies blocking your base from fitting, then using pounce mid way through to land in an open area?

Depends what you mean by tight corridor. The Nexu is 2 squares wide, so I don't believe it can move through a corridor that is one square wide. It might be able to pounce through it though - I'm not sure.


Is a hero allowed to rest twice in one round?



How many groups are you allowed to deploy in a round? Are you allowed to reinforce multiple times, assuming you have the threat?

You can deploy as many as you have cards for and have the threat level to deploy. You can reinforce multiple times if you have the threat.

Deployment and Setup:

In the campaign guide, when a mission states "Increase threat by twice the threat level and resolve an optional deployment", does that mean just on the first round, increase the threat level 2x and then you can spend those points before the first round starts?

Yup. If the threat level for the mission is 3, you would add 6 to the threat, and then immediately do a deployment of whatever you want, up to your total threat. Threat Level is the amount you increase per turn, as listed on the campaign book, but Threat is how much threat you currently have.

Also, as the Imperial player, am I required at all to tell the rebels where the green deployment locations are?

I don't believe so, but they will find out pretty quickly overall. I asked this in another thread somewhere and got mixed replies. Perhaps if you feel the rebels are struggling in your missions, then make a point of telling them, as a way to help balance things.

Appreciate it, thanks

For a nexu, is it possible to move through a tight corridor where there are enemies blocking your base from fitting, then using pounce mid way through to land in an open area?

Always remember that you can move "through" enemy figures by spending extra movement. However, what I understand from your wording, is that you want to pounce mid-move while the Nexu is "on top of" other figures in its movement. I think this bullet in the Rules Reference Guide answers the question (emphasis mine):

Figures can move through other figures’ spaces. The figure must spend one additional movement point to enter a space containing a hostile figure. Some abilities allow figures to move through spaces containing blocking and impassible terrain.

The definition of “moving through a space” is that the figure can enter the space as long as it does not end its movement in the space . The figure cannot enter the space if this would spend its last movement point.

From this, I would think that the Nexu can't pounce while on top of other figures as it would have to "stop moving" in order to take the Pounce action.

As CcovenantPhil said, I think that a Nexu can pounce through a tight corridor, as long as it does not start the pounce on another character. The rule book says ''When a figure on the map is placed, it is removed from its current space and then placed where indicated.''

But keeping that in mind, I have another question :

can a Nexu pounce around a wall if it respect the 3 square limit ? Does it need to at least have a line of sight before ?

I tried to make an example below, the Nexu being ''n'', the eventual target being ''r'' and the numbers representing the spaces counted for the pounce :

| |

| 2 3 r |

| 1 n |

| |

Edited by Mad Malade

Yes he can , no he can not, because a Nexu is a large figure and therefore can not move diagonally.

Large figures cannot move diagonally.

Many effects require players to measure the distance between two spaces. To determine this number, the player counts the number of movement points it would take for a figure to move from one space to the other. Impassible terrain, figures, and difficult terrain can be moved into and through without costing additional movement point for this measurement. This measurement cannot go through walls, doors, or blocking terrain.
• If a figure’s ability specifies to choose something within a set number of spaces, players count spaces from the figure using the ability Likewise, if an ability specifies to choose an adjacent figure, the figure must be adjacent to the figure using the ability.
Edited by Luther Engelsnot

That clear things up. Thanks.

The block you quoted is the right one, but it contradicts what you said.

The nexu is not "moving" 3 spaces, then attacking. It is placed three spaces away, then attacks. You use the rules for counting spaces, which include counting through impassible terrain (red hash lines), obstacles but not blocking terrain (solid red lines, edge of map, doors). so the nexu could pounce around a corner, over water and land in front of a very surprised hero.

You also begin the pounce from any of the nexu's square.

To determine this number, the player counts the number of movement points it would take for a figure to move from one space to the other.

The nexu needs more than three movement points to reach the space. Yes he can pounce around walls, but this rule still stands and restrict which spaces are within three spaces. I see no contradiction.

Where does it state you cannot pounce then attack, as pounce is a different action then a normal attack.

I found it

*Unlike heroes, a figure that has a Deployment card can use
only one of its actions to attack per activation. This includes
using special actions that involve performing one or more
attacks (such as the Nexu’s “Pounce” or Darth Vader’s

So nexu can pounce diagonally? (Please let it be so) 3 spaces orthogonally is not a lot.

Well reading the rules strictly, as I quoted early, a nexu could not pounce diagonally, but Alarmed says otherwise out of reasons I could not comprehend from his post. And to further elaborate within X spaces follow the scheme for counting spaces, which is dependend on the movement of the figure.

wi thi n x spaces

See “Counting Spaces” on page 9

the counting spaces rule says you count spaces it would take a figure to move from one space to another not count how many that the figure using the ability would take to get there so a nexu can pounce diagonal and around the corner

in fact the the example of the nexu pounce on page 27 of the rules reference guide has the nexu counting diagonally to get to the target space

I see what you mean. Indeed I misread something and when the example is clear, than it should be possible.

the Nexu is not counting diagonally in the appendix example. It counts one space down, and 2 spaces to the right. ant then follows the rule of large figures in RRG page 16 "If an effect places a large figure in a space, the player resolving the effect chooses the figure's orientation. It can be placed in any legal spaces as long as part of the figure's base is in the space instructed"

nexu can't move diagonally. you count 3 spaces following nexu's movement rules, and then you place Nexu the way you want as long as nexu's base is occupying the correct space

counting like that space marked 11 (1 up from luke) on the example is 1 down and 3 to the right, making it 4 spaces from the nexu

pouncing isn't moving it is counting squares and placing the figure and because it's not movement doesn't have the movement restriction of a large figure

so when you are counting spaces from an at st when you are shooting with it you guys that don't pounce diagonally won't be going diagonally for accuracy either right

Edited by Valdrain

I found it

*Unlike heroes, a figure that has a Deployment card can use
only one of its actions to attack per activation. This includes
using special actions that involve performing one or more
attacks (such as the Nexu’s “Pounce” or Darth Vader’s

Isn't this a skirmish rule only?

EDIT: You are correct - wow. Another thing I've been doing wrong (well, the imps have been doing wrong to me)... Found on page 6 of the RRG under the 'SPECIAL SITUATIONS REGARDING ATTACKS' section.

Edited by macmastermind

I found it

*Unlike heroes, a figure that has a Deployment card can use
only one of its actions to attack per activation. This includes
using special actions that involve performing one or more
attacks (such as the Nexu’s “Pounce” or Darth Vader’s

Isn't this a skirmish rule only?

No its for both, that why it states "unlike heroes" see page 6 of rules and reference guide.