But FFG doesn't want you to print it out! Full color and 48 pages, I need to wait until Friday toi sneak into the office and get this on paper!
But FFG doesn't want you to print it out! Full color and 48 pages, I need to wait until Friday toi sneak into the office and get this on paper!
It's worth it just to sit and read the pdf, actually. This is a quite complex game with a lot of little details to remember. Even with only 6 murders, there are multiple plots and plot paths for each of the 5 characters, as well as multiple possible conspiracy results, so I think there's a solid amount of replayability at hand. I was uncertain about it at first, but after reading the rules I'm definitely picking this one up.
I read and retain it better printed out - but yeah - I read it all. Man there is a lot to keep track of. I think it will make more sense once I sit down with it in front of me. But this has Kevin's stamp on it from what I know of Arkham Horror.
I love their method of selecting the first player in game setup. Very original.
So the rule book pretty much dispells the notion that this is going to be "Clue in Space" as one of my friends put it. I would have been shocked by the number of bits as well as the size of the board had it not been for Arkham (and here I thought it prepared me for nothing).
It does worry me that this might be harder to explain than Arkham, given that there are 3 parts to the victory and each part seems to have a slightly different mechanism. But perhapes that is only what you need to focus on and the rest is a little more intuitive-- but enough to convince 2 other people to play?
Yay rules are up. I've something to read today. My opinion will follow late this day.
Holy camoly, Batman! Look at the sheer numbers of tokens and cards!
This looks like an awesome game. I'm telling my usual store to get one ASAP for me.
Hmm... I had an evil idea of making a FFG league with my friends, but I have to work out the rough edges... If we set each game at 5, Doom is left out, but if we set it at 4, then A Game of Thrones loses something (and I wasn't able to get A Storm of Swords last time), and Galactica is better with more, IMHO.
TI3 is a different matter with its epic length... I still need to work out these details, but I'll see how it goes.
I noticed them last night & thought I would have a quick read
Well obviously quick read doesn't work! 48 pages & they are interesting,unfortunally
my printer is low on ink
& at work the FFG site is filtered
so i'm stuck
reading them off the monitor for now.
If your a rules wonk getting the Game for the rules alone is worth it
So this goes into my must purchase list.
Looks interesting, only skimmed the rules so far though. seems like a lot of bits and pieces, is the a huge box game or just a smaller one (like BSG)?
Definitely interesting..something to digess. Definitely not a game that you can easily whip out on a moment's notice w/o reading the rules first.
Kamakaze said:
Looks interesting, only skimmed the rules so far though. seems like a lot of bits and pieces, is the a huge box game or just a smaller one (like BSG)?
According to the pics, it looks like their standadrd square box that came with Descent expansion or Arkham Horror. It's not a coffin box that came withe Tide of Iron or TI3. Decks of cards and shhets of chits pack well.
Old Dwarf said:
Can you save them at home as a PDF file and then email your work address? That way it bypasses the whole blocked website thing.
ColtsFan76 said:
Old Dwarf said:
Can you save them at home as a PDF file and then email your work address? That way it bypasses the whole blocked website thing.
**** CF thats clever
I'm not sure if the Great State of NJ allows in coming attachnents
but I'll find out Monday when I go back.
I just read the rules. It sounds good but also very abstract, I hope the twilight deck, the murder case and the plots can generate enough flavor to bypass that.
tech7 said:
I just read the rules. It sounds good but also very abstract, I hope the twilight deck, the murder case and the plots can generate enough flavor to bypass that.
That's the danger of this type of game, imo. With all their talk in the previews about whoever makes the best "movie", and their trailor video, and everything else they build up expectation of a game dripping with theme that you can really immerse yourself in; and then you play the game and find out that it isn't as good as you thought it would be, owing to abstract mechanics.
I'll probably follow my usual policy of not buying a game until a few comments about playing experience are out. Here's hoping it's a great game that everyone loves.
tech7 said:
I just read the rules. It sounds good but also very abstract, I hope the twilight deck, the murder case and the plots can generate enough flavor to bypass that.
I assume this will be like Arkham Horror in execution. The rules lay the groundwork for how you use each component but the theme is in the text of the cards and how the game unfolds. But it also may be like AH in that you get out of it what you put into it. In AH, you can just read the skill checks and go through the motions and have a very cold game. Or you can get into character and use it as a semi-RPG and get so much more flavor out of it.
Much like a piece of gum, you can let it sit in your mouth and hope you absorb the flavor or chomp the heck out of it to get every bit of juiceness out of it.
ColtsFan76 said:
Much like a piece of gum, you can let it sit in your mouth and hope you absorb the flavor or chomp the heck out of it to get every bit of juiceness out of it.
With that board? I wouldn't take a bite out of it! I mean... look at the SIZE of that thing!
Blade Runner hits the gaming table!
These rules will benefit from multiple readings, but my first read-through gives me a sense of a game that's not really a game as much as an immersive, rpg, story-telling experience. Definitely not for a crowd that just wants a light romp through a sci-fi murder mystery. This is game noir, chock full of theme and narrative. I kept thinking, "So where's the GM for this one?"
The rules are probably more complex than the actual playing, but I think I might have more success getting my friends to play BSG than this one. Unfortunately, most everyone I know likes quick games that are not too immersive. Plus getting three or more to a gaming table at one time isn't always easy. I may have to admire this one from a distance. But it seems like an impressive piece of work, Kevin.
This looks like a great game, but I agree that it looks like players are going to make or break a game of this, much like for AH. Not for everyone. When I introduced AH to my wife and 2 sons a while back, the reactions were split. Myself and my oldest son (the "artists" of the family) loved it but my wife and my other son (the logic oriented ones in the family) could not get past the mechanical and to them repetitive aspects of the game. Probably going to be similar with Android. Can't wait to study the game with cards though...