So... is this even possible to stat up in the game?
I don't know how he avoids cutting his leg off in the last GIF
So... is this even possible to stat up in the game?
I don't know how he avoids cutting his leg off in the last GIF
Could probably get away with just making it a double-bladed lightsaber attachment. Maybe 2 HP, turns Linked 1 into Linked 2/3. Maybe upgrades difficulty to both outgoing and incoming attacks?
Let me try...
This may only be attached to a double-bladed lightsaber hilt.
Base Modifiers: Spend a maneuver to activate or deactivate this attachment. When activated, the lightsaber gains inaccurate 2, and adds 2 advantage to the result of a successful Lightsaber combat check.
Modification Options: 1 reduce the inaccurate quality gained by 1 mod, 1 additional advantage on successful Lightsaber combat check mod, 2 upgrade the ability of Coercion checks once while active mods.
Hard Points Required: 1
Price: 5000
I'd like to make is so you can only ever pick 1 of the first two modification options, but that's awfully complicated for an attachment.
Honestly, it'd probably just be simpler to treat it as a regular double-bladed lightsaber that has the option of only activating one blade at a time, and then figure that the spinning gimmick is more of a narrative effect than anything that provides an actual bonus/drawback.
When this first showed up on the show I laughed out loud of the retarded nature of this weapon. Not only did the movements the character did with it pretty much cut off his own legs 4 or 5 times (though due to cartoon physics it doesn't affect him at all) but there is no way this is in any way a useful weapon.
If you want to pretend it is a weapon and stat it out, I would treat it like the show did. It is a 3 form Light saber. form 1 is semi regular light saber stats. Form 2 deals with dual weapon fighting so increased difficulty/etc everything that comes with 2 weapons. For form 3 the spinning moronic death fan blade I would treat that as a 3rd weapon and increase the difficulty even more and add any despairs automatically sever a limb.
When this first showed up on the show I laughed out loud of the retarded nature of this weapon. Not only did the movements the character did with it pretty much cut off his own legs 4 or 5 times (though due to cartoon physics it doesn't affect him at all) but there is no way this is in any way a useful weapon.
If you want to pretend it is a weapon and stat it out, I would treat it like the show did. It is a 3 form Light saber. form 1 is semi regular light saber stats. Form 2 deals with dual weapon fighting so increased difficulty/etc everything that comes with 2 weapons. For form 3 the spinning moronic death fan blade I would treat that as a 3rd weapon and increase the difficulty even more and add any despairs automatically sever a limb.
Yes, it's so unrealistic, unlike all the other energy laser swords in the series
In order to take that weapon seriously you need to take the following into account:
Taking all of that into account you would have to turn off the reasoning section of your brain in order to not find this weapon a bit silly.
I get that you were trying to take my comment as stupid or lame and in turn decided to make a pedantic retort, instead you ignore every single point I made and focus on the small part that even the OP calls out. You have to love when people miss the point.
Edit: I re-read my previous post, and never said it was not realistic, I said it was not useful and was retarded (as in lacking in its function). People have created fans, and that is pretty much what that saber is.
Edited by fatedtodieMy point was just that I don't really worry about it too much. It's a glowing laser sword in a science fiction space opera story.
First off, it isn't science fiction it is science fantasy, not science fiction.
Furthermore you do seem to worry about it because my differing opinion somehow offends you.
I don't know how he avoids cutting his leg off in the last GIF
Just gotta know how to walk.
At least Grevious doing his quadruple spinning lightsabers was at least more believable then the Inquistor lightsaber fan
I do was yelling at the TV when i first saw this. But then again I am an adult and not an 8 year old
So... is this even possible to stat up in the game?
Ahh, so you mean the one at ?
One off sabers Imo so I would not bother putting one in a game.
I actually decided to revise my stand on the "light claymore". While they are impractical and would do more harm than good to the wielder this is at the end of the day space opera, we have magic, thinking machines and giant space slugs. A spinning lightsaber or one that has a cross guard is no less believable than say the "light whip" that has been part of the EU since the 80's comic books and no one seems to have an issue with.
I think if I use it, big if, in a campaign it'll be a an NPC thing that just won't be statable for a PC. I'll make up something that makes sense as to why it's unusable (destroy it it or something). Mostly I'd rather not deal with it.
So... is this even possible to stat up in the game?
Easy - take a normal lightsaber and add the text "Upgrade one coercion Dice while using" and "Inflicts a critical hit every turn on the user". There - stated!
Edited by DesslokI think if I use it, big if, in a campaign it'll be a an NPC thing that just won't be statable for a PC. I'll make up something that makes sense as to why it's unusable (destroy it it or something). Mostly I'd rather not deal with it.
Never introduce an item you have no intention of letting a pc have.... Cause they will grab it at any chance they can and use ever resource you haven't already though of to obtain it. Like time portals and a shape shifting wizard that goes back 1000 years transforms into a dragon and rejoins the party as he's become accustomed to that form. Always be careful with loop holes.
Honestly, it'd probably just be simpler to treat it as a regular double-bladed lightsaber that has the option of only activating one blade at a time, and then figure that the spinning gimmick is more of a narrative effect than anything that provides an actual bonus/drawback.
Hi Kinnison. I would say here you have your answer.
If you want to "awesomized" something of your character, or of one of your player's characters, it can be easily done by just re-skinning existing things and just adding make up to it. Take the stats for a normal double sided lightsaber and say "mine spins" or "my light saber plays the Padrino song when is switched on" etc.
Honestly, it'd probably just be simpler to treat it as a regular double-bladed lightsaber that has the option of only activating one blade at a time, and then figure that the spinning gimmick is more of a narrative effect than anything that provides an actual bonus/drawback.
Hi Kinnison. I would say here you have your answer.
If you want to "awesomized" something of your character, or of one of your player's characters, it can be easily done by just re-skinning existing things and just adding make up to it. Take the stats for a normal double sided lightsaber and say "mine spins" or "my light saber plays the Padrino song when is switched on" etc.
About the only addition I'd make to my earlier post is to give the NPC ranks in Adversary and the Intimidating Presence trait from the "Build Your Own Inquisitor" section of the Adversaries chapter to account for the gimmick 'saber making a novice Jedi (a single rank in the Lightsaber skill with a 3 in the governing characteristic) more prone to making mistakes when dueling someone wielding this weapon. But that 1 automatic threat isn't as big a deal to a skilled duelist (3 or more ranks in Lightsaber) and a true master (5 ranks, 4 or more in the governing characteristic) won't even be slowed down by such a device.
I'd like to imagine that Obi-Wan's reaction to confronted with such a weapon would be a raised eyebrow and a slightly bemused expression... before taking the wielder to school as to what a real lightsaber duelist can do.
I'm a 100% with you on the stupid aspect of this version but I can also explain it. The hilt simply has a high tech synchronization gear to turn off the blade when it would impact the Inquisitor.
Now back to enjoying Rebels.
I like things that differentiate characters. When I first saw the spinning double bladed lightsaber I thought maybe some writer had decided that rather than have this character like every other saber monkey out there reflecting blaster bolts off his lighttoothpick that maybe he had what amounted to a shield instead of reflection training. Ah well. Still enjoying the series.
Personally, as Dono said, I would narrate spending advantage on ranged or melee defense as the blades spinning.
I like things that differentiate characters. When I first saw the spinning double bladed lightsaber I thought maybe some writer had decided that rather than have this character like every other saber monkey out there reflecting blaster bolts off his lighttoothpick that maybe he had what amounted to a shield instead of reflection training. Ah well. Still enjoying the series.
Personally, as Dono said, I would narrate spending advantage on ranged or melee defense as the blades spinning.
Dave Filoni said it is a gimmick for a guy that is not that skilled with a lightsaber. his whole bit about form 1 etc. was a lot of bravado.
Ah Kanan obviously needs some hands on training with Obi-Wan Kenobi... anyone remembering how he handled Grievous?
I believe a trip to Tattoine and a close encounter with a Hutt is in order don't you?
Got this image of the Inquisitor throwing his lightsaber and it being caught by Obi-Wan who looks around before discarding the lightsaber with a shrug, "So uncivilised..."
I also saw it pointed out on a discussion elsewhere that the spinny? He doesn't do that when things are serious against Kanaan. He only really does that when fighting things that are easily intimidated, or after the fight's seemingly won. It's not meant for combat really.
Heck, things get serious, he mostly sticks to the one blade, occassionally going Maul style with both.
So it's really not as stupid as it might seem when put in context (and you ignore lazy animating)
The earlier point about Obi Wan stands true. Heck, it's no different than waving a sword really fast, it might look intimidating, but someone who knows how to use a sword well will still take you to town in a blink of an eye. Same deal.
What about Ezra's new lightsaber? His "set-for-stun blaster/lightsaber combo?"
Edited by Gigerstreak