Are figures deployed by events active?

By mazz0, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

When an event, such as opening the door in Ambush, causes groups to be deployed, can they activate this turn, or are they exhausted until the status phase?

Edited by mazz0

When an event, such as opening the door in Ambush, causes groups to be deployed, can they activate this turn, or are they exhausted until the status phase?

I played it as though they were active, but I was wondering whether I got it right. Clarification would be good.

Yes they are ready. Deployment RRG page 11.

I've played it as exhausted this time as the Rebs seemed to be struggling, but yeah, need clarification!

Oh, yeah, dunno how I missed that!

Haha thankfully they are active when they deployed. It makes the moment that door opens in Aftermath hilariously fun for the Imperial Player.

Haha thankfully they are active when they deployed. It makes the moment that door opens in Aftermath hilariously fun for the Imperial Player.

"Close the blast doors! Close the blast doors!"