RTL Campaign Parties

By Vertically Challenged, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Me and a friend started playing a campaign and we chose all the characters and skills randomly. I am playing as all 4 characters and my friend is the OL. Im soo excited about my party and I thought I'd share it with everyone and I'm interested in everyone else's parties (what avatar the OL is and characters+skill and what upgrades you have) I am curious to see everyones party and how they upgraded everyone to see if what I have been doing is the standard.
Anyways, heres my party!!

Campaign level
- Just starting Silver
OL Avatar - Spider Queen
OL Upgrades - (I don't know these forsure but I know he has upgraded his beasts)
Party Upgrades - Enchanted Boat
Campaign Comments - I can`t seem to roll a blank for treasures if my life depended on it

Melee (Tank)
Nanok Of The Blade - Damage (16) - Fatigue (6) - Armor (8) - Speed (4)
Skills - Taunt (starting)
Upgrades - Dice (5 black power dice - Melee trait) - Fatigue (Total of 6)
Armor - N/A
Weapon - Bone Blade - Morning star (offhand)
Shield - None
Other - Ring Of Protection
Pack - Potions

Mordrog - Damage (16) - Fatigue (5) - Armor (5) - Speed (3)
Skills - Unmovable (starting) - Cleaving
Upgrades - Fatigue (Total of 5) - Skill
Armor - Plate Mail
Weapon - Dragontooth hammer
Shield - None
Other - None
Pack - Shalighla (sorry I can't spell it but it has a red and a yellow dice and 2 surges = +3 damage) - Potions

Silhouette - Damage (16) - Fatigue (5) - Armor (3 - 4 After Shield) - Speed (6)
Skills - Swift (starting) - Quick Shot
Upgrades - Damage (Total of 16) -Skill
Armor - Chain Mail
Weapon - Dwarven Fire Bombs
Shield - Iron Shield
Other - Archer's Charm
Pack - Potions


Runewitch Astara - Damage (16) - Fatigue (5) - Armor (2) - Speed (5)
Skills - Spiritwalker - Quick Cast
Upgrades - Damage (Total of 16) - Skill
Armor - Heavy Leather Armor
Weapon - Crystalize
Shield - None
Other - None
Pack - Sunburst

That's a pretty nice starting party.

My last campaign as OL I faced a nightmare party. Sadly the game fizzled out as we all got busy and just couldn't keep it going. When it ended it was 109CT total (49 Heroes:60 OL), so mid Copper

I was playing the Sorcerer King, and I had bought:

Snipers (starting XP)

Silver Eldritch

Alric and Merick Farrow.

The Hero Party:


Skills: Tiger Tattoo, Leadership

Items: Chain Mail, Mace of Aver (gives knockback) and Gauntlets of Power


Skills: Brawler, then got a silver dice upgrade to one of the black dice.

Items: Dragontooth Hammer, Belt of Strength, Axe, Ghost Armor


Skills: Crack Shot, silver upgrade to one die

Items: Dwarven Firebombs, Iron Shield, Chain Mail

Runewitch Astarra

Skills: Spiritwalker, got one black upgraded to silver

Items: Staff of the Grave, Wizards Robe, Ring of Protection, Ring of Quickness

Complete and utter pain in the ass party.

Big Remy said:


Skills: Brawler, then got a silver dice upgrade to one of the black dice.


Nanok upgraded a dice before adding extra dice (at least up to 4)?

Ya I was wondering about the decision too

Corbon said:

Big Remy said:


Skills: Brawler, then got a silver dice upgrade to one of the black dice.


Nanok upgraded a dice before adding extra dice (at least up to 4)?

Hey, not my decision I was the OL. I even advised against it, but the player was dead set on buying a silver since everyone else was getting one.

He wans't very good at controlling Nanok, he seemed to miss the point behind him for some reason demonio.gif

Big Remy said:

Corbon said:

Big Remy said:


Skills: Brawler, then got a silver dice upgrade to one of the black dice.


Nanok upgraded a dice before adding extra dice (at least up to 4)?

Hey, not my decision I was the OL. I even advised against it, but the player was dead set on buying a silver since everyone else was getting one.

He wans't very good at controlling Nanok, he seemed to miss the point behind him for some reason demonio.gif

I would say he missed the point if he paid extra gold to get the same add for damage and NOT get an extra armor. Big time missed it...like when you roll an X on the stealth die AND the Red/Blue/White...